Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Sổ tay tiếng Tây Ban Nha”

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TRMC (thảo luận | đóng góp)
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Dòng 11: Dòng 11:
; Đẩy : Empuje (''ehm-POO-heh'')
; Đẩy : Empuje (''ehm-POO-heh'')
; Kéo : Tira/Jala (''TEE-rah/HAH-lah'')
; Kéo : Tira/Jala (''TEE-rah/HAH-lah'')
; Nhà vệ sinh : Baños
; Nhà vệ sinh : Servicios (''sehr-BEE-see-yohs''), also S.H. or S.S.H.H. for Servicios Higiénicos
; Đàn ông : Hombres (''OHM-brays'') / Caballeros (''kah-bah-YEH-rohs'')
; Đàn ông : Hombres (''OHM-brays'') / Caballeros (''kah-bah-YEH-rohs'')
; Phụ nữ : Mujeres (''moo-HEH-rehs'') / Señoras (''sehn-YOH-rahs'')
; Phụ nữ : Mujeres (''moo-HEH-rehs'') / Señoras (''sehn-YOH-rahs'')
Dòng 18: Dòng 18:

; Chào (thân mật): Hola (''OH-lah'')
; Chào (thân mật): Hola (''OH-lah'')
; Chúc một ngày tốt lành : Que pase un buen día (''keh PAH-seh un BWEHN DEE-ah'')
; Chúc một ngày tốt lành : Que pases un buen día (''keh PAH-seh un BWEHN DEE-ah'')
; Bạn khỏe không? (''thân mật''): ¿Cómo estás? (''KOH-moh ehs-TAHS?'')
; Bạn khỏe không? (''thân mật''): ¿Cómo estás? (''KOH-moh ehs-TAHS?'')
; Ngài khỏe không? (''lịch sự''): ¿Cómo está usted? (''KOH-moh ehs-TAH oos-TEHD?'')
; Ngài khỏe không? (''lịch sự''): ¿Cómo está usted? (''KOH-moh ehs-TAH oos-TEHD?'')
Dòng 30: Dòng 30:
; Rất vui được gặp bạn: Encantado/a (''ehn-kahn-TAH-doh''/''ehn-kahn-TAH-dah'')
; Rất vui được gặp bạn: Encantado/a (''ehn-kahn-TAH-doh''/''ehn-kahn-TAH-dah'')
; Đó là một hân hạn khi được gặp các bạn: Mucho gusto. (''MOO-choh GOOS-toh'')
; Đó là một hân hạn khi được gặp các bạn: Mucho gusto. (''MOO-choh GOOS-toh'')
; Làm ơn: Por favor (''POHR fah-BOHR'')
; Làm ơn: Por favor (''POHR fah-VOHR'')
; Cảm ơn: Gracias (''GRAH-syahs'')
; Cảm ơn: Gracias (''GRAH-syahs'')
; Không có gì: De nada (''DAY NAH-dah'')
; Không có gì: De nada (''DEH NAH-dah'')
; Vâng: Sí (''SEE'')
; Vâng: Sí
; Không: No (''NOH'')
; Không: No (''NOH'')
; Tha lỗi cho tôi (''nhận được sự chú ý''): Disculpe (''dees-KOOL-peh'')
; Tha lỗi cho tôi (''nhận được sự chú ý''): Disculpe (''dees-KOOL-peh'')
Dòng 42: Dòng 42:
; Tôi có thể nói được chút ít tiếng Tây Ban Nha : Hablo un poco español. (''ah-BLOH oon POH-koh eha-pah-NYOHL'')
; Tôi có thể nói được chút ít tiếng Tây Ban Nha : Hablo un poco español. (''ah-BLOH oon POH-koh eha-pah-NYOHL'')
; Tôi không nói được tiếng Tây Ban Nha (well): No hablo (bien) español (''noh AH-bloh (byehn) ehs-pah-NYOL)
; Tôi không nói được tiếng Tây Ban Nha (well): No hablo (bien) español (''noh AH-bloh (byehn) ehs-pah-NYOL)
; Bạn nói được tiếng Anh không? (''thân mật''): ¿Hablas inglés? (''AH-blahs een-GLEHS?'')
; Bạn nói được tiếng Viet không? (''thân mật''): ¿Hablas vietnamita?
; Bạn nói được tiếng Anh không? (''lịch sự''): ¿Habla usted inglés? (''AH-blah oos-TEHD een-GLEHS?'')
; Bạn nói được tiếng Viet không? (''lịch sự''): ¿Habla usted vietnamita?
; Có người nào ở đây nói được tiếng Anh không? : ¿Hay alguien que hable inglés? (''ai ahl-GYEHN keh AH-bleh een-GLEHS?'')
; Có người nào ở đây nói được tiếng Anh không? : ¿Hay alguien que hable vietnamita?
; Giúp tôi với!: ¡Ayuda! (''ah-YOO-dah!'') / ¡Socorro! (''soh-KOHR-roh!'')
; Giúp tôi với!: ¡Ayuda! (''ah-YOO-dah!'') / ¡Socorro! (''soh-KOHR-roh!'')
; Chào buổi sáng: Buenos días (''BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs'')
; Chào buổi sáng: Buenos días (''BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs'')
Dòng 50: Dòng 50:
; Chúc ngủ ngon: Buenas noches (''BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs'')
; Chúc ngủ ngon: Buenas noches (''BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs'')
; Tôi không hiểu: No entiendo (''NOH ehn-TYEHN-doh'')
; Tôi không hiểu: No entiendo (''NOH ehn-TYEHN-doh'')
; Bạn có thể nói chậm một chút không? : ¿Podría usted hablar más despacio por favor? (''poh-DREE-ah oos-TEHD ah-BLAHR MAHS dehs-PAH-syoh pohr fah-BOHR?'')
; Bạn có thể nói chậm một chút không? : ¿Podrías hablar más despacio por favor?
; Bạn có thể nói lại không? : ¿Podría usted repetirlo por favor? (''poh-DREE-ah oos-TEHD reh-peh-TEER-loh pohr fah-BOHR?'')
; Bạn có thể nói lại không? : ¿Podrías repetírmelo por favor?
; Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy?: ¿Dónde está el baño? (''DOHN-deh ehss-TAH EHL BAH-nyoh?'') / In Spain: ¿Dónde están los aseos? (''DOHN-deh ehs-TAHN lohs ah-SEH-ohs'')
; Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy?: ¿Dónde está el baño? (''DOHN-deh ehss-TAH EHL BAH-nyoh?'')

=== Vấn đề ===
=== Vấn đề ===
Dòng 69: Dòng 69:
; Tôi cần đến bác sĩ. : Necesito un médico. (''neh-seh-SEE-toh OON MEH-dee-coh'')
; Tôi cần đến bác sĩ. : Necesito un médico. (''neh-seh-SEE-toh OON MEH-dee-coh'')
; Tôi có thể sử dụng điện thoại của bạn? : ¿Puedo usar su teléfono? (''PWEH-doh oo-SAHR soo teh-LEH-foh-noh?'')
; Tôi có thể sử dụng điện thoại của bạn? : ¿Puedo usar su teléfono? (''PWEH-doh oo-SAHR soo teh-LEH-foh-noh?'')
;Tôi có thể mượn điện thoại / điện thoại di động? : ¿Me presta su celular/móvil? (''meh PREHS-tah soo seh-loo-LAHR / MOH-beel?'') ("celular" ở châu Mỹ; "móvil" ở Tây Ban Nha và châu Phi)
;Tôi có thể mượn điện thoại / điện thoại di động? : ¿Me presta su celular? (''meh PREHS-tah soo seh-loo-LAHR?'')
; Tôi cần phải gọi đại sứ quán. : Necesito llamar a la embajada (''neh-seh-SEE-toh yah-MAHR ah lah em-bah-HAH-dah'')
; Tôi cần phải gọi đại sứ quán. : Necesito llamar a la embajada (''neh-seh-SEE-toh yah-MAHR ah lah em-bah-HAH-dah'')

Dòng 201: Dòng 201:
; Tháng 7 : julio (''HOO-lyoh'')
; Tháng 7 : julio (''HOO-lyoh'')
; Tháng 8 : agosto (''ah-GOHS-toh'')
; Tháng 8 : agosto (''ah-GOHS-toh'')
; Tháng 9 : septiembre (''sehp-TYEHM-breh'')
; Tháng 9 : setiembre (''seh-TYEHM-breh'')
; Tháng 10 : octubre (''ohk-TOO-breh'')
; Tháng 10 : octubre (''ohk-TOO-breh'')
; Tháng 11 : noviembre (''noh-VYEHM-breh'')
; Tháng 11 : noviembre (''noh-VYEHM-breh'')
Dòng 228: Dòng 228:
; cam : naranja (''nah-RAHN-hah''), anaranjado (''ah-nah-rahn-HA-doh'')
; cam : naranja (''nah-RAHN-hah''), anaranjado (''ah-nah-rahn-HA-doh'')
; tím : púrpura (''POOR-poo-rah'') , morado (''moh-RAH-doh''), violeta (''vee-oh-LEH-tah'')
; tím : púrpura (''POOR-poo-rah'') , morado (''moh-RAH-doh''), violeta (''vee-oh-LEH-tah'')
; hồng : rosa (''ROH-sah'')
; hồng : rosado (''ROH-sah-doh'')
; nâu : marrón (''mahr-ROHN'') (it should be noted "marrón" is used to describe color of objects) , café (''kah-FEH'') (used mostly for skin color, clothing and fabric), castaño (''kahs-TAH-nyoh'') (is used primarily for skin color, eye color and hair color).
; nâu : marrón (''mahr-ROHN'') (it should be noted "marrón" is used to describe color of objects) , café (''kah-FEH'') (used mostly for skin color, clothing and fabric), castaño (''kahs-TAH-nyoh'') (is used primarily for skin color, eye color and hair color).

Dòng 234: Dòng 234:
{{infobox|Common signs|
{{infobox|Common signs|
; STOP : PARE, ALTO, STOP (''PAH-reh, AHL-toh, stohp'')
; STOP : PARE, ALTO, STOP (''PAH-reh, AHL-toh, stohp'')
; NO PARKING : NO APARCARO / ESTACIONAR (''noh ah-pahr-KAHR-oh/ ehs-tah-syoh-NAR'')
; PARKING : APARCAMIENTO / ESTACIONAMIENTO (''ah-pahr-kah-MYEHN-toh/ ehs-tah-syoh-nah-MYEHN-toh'')
; NO ENTRANCE : PROHIBIDO EL PASO (''pro-ee-BEE-doh el PAHS-oh'')
; NO ENTRANCE : PROHIBIDO EL PASO (''pro-ee-BEE-doh el PAHS-oh'')
; SLOW : DESPACIO (''dehs-PAH-syoh'')
; SLOW : DESPACIO (''dehs-PAH-syoh'')
; ONE WAY : SENTIDO ÚNICO (''sehn-TEE-doh OO-nee-koh'')
; ONE WAY : UN SOLO SENTIDO (''sehn-TEE-doh OO-nee-koh'')
; DEAD END : SIN SALIDA (''seen sah-LEE-dah'')
; DEAD END : SIN SALIDA (''seen sah-LEE-dah'')
; DANGER : PELIGRO (''peh-LEE-groh'')
; DANGER : PELIGRO (''peh-LEE-groh'')

; ô tô : carro(''KAHR-roh''), coche (''KOH-cheh''), auto (''OW-toh'')
; ô tô : carro(''KAHR-roh''), auto (''OW-toh'')
; xe buýt : autobús (''ow-toh-BOOS''), guagua (''GWAH-gwah'')
; xe buýt : bus (''boos'')
; xe thùng : furgoneta (''foor-goh-NEH-tah''), combi (''KOHM-bee'')
; xe thùng : van, combi
; xe tải : camión (''kah-MYOHN'')
; xe tải : camión (''kah-MYOHN'')
; máy bay : avión (''ah-BYOHN''), aeroplano (''ah-eh-roh-PLAH-noh'')
; máy bay : avión
; trực thăng : helicóptero (''eh-lee-KOHP-teh-roh'')
; trực thăng : helicóptero (''eh-lee-KOHP-teh-roh'')
; tàu hỏa : tren (''trehn'')
; tàu hỏa : tren (''trehn'')
; tàu điện ngầm : metro (''MEH-troh'')
; tàu điện ngầm : metro (''MEH-troh'')
; xe điện : tranvía (''trahns-BYAH'')
; xe điện : tranvía (''trahn-VYAH'')
; xe điện chở hành khách : trole (''TROH-leh''), trolebús (''troh-leh-BOOS'')
; xe điện chở hành khách : trole (''TROH-leh''), trolebús (''troh-leh-BOOS'')
; thuyền : bote (''BOH-teh'')
; thuyền : bote (''BOH-teh'')
; tàu thủy : barco (''BAHR-koh'')
; tàu thủy : barco (''BAHR-koh'')
; phà : ferry
; phà : transbordador (''trahns-bohr-dah-DOHR'')
; xe đạp : bicicleta (''bee-see-KLEH-tah'')
; xe đạp : bicicleta (''bee-see-KLEH-tah'')
; xe máy : motocicleta (''moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah'')
; xe máy : motocicleta, moto, moto lineal

====Bus and Train====
====Bus and Train====
; Giá một vé đến _____ là bao nhiêu? : ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete (Tây Ban Nha) / pasaje (Nam Mỹ) / boleto (Mexico) a _____? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah oon beeh-YEH-teh/pah-SAH-heh/boe-LAY-toe ___'')
; Giá một vé đến _____ là bao nhiêu? : ¿Cuánto cuesta un pasaje/boleto/billete para _____?
; Một vé đến _____, làm ơn. : Un boleto/pasaje a _____, por favor. (''oon boh-LEH-toh/pah-SAH-heh ah _______, pohr fah-BOHR.'')
; Một vé đến _____, làm ơn. : Un boleto/pasaje a _____, por favor.

; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đi đâu? : ¿A donde va este tren/autobús? (''ah DOHN-deh bah EHS-teh trehn/ ow-toh-BOOS?'')
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đi đâu? : ¿Hacia dónde va este tren/bus?
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến đâu _____? : ¿Donde está el tren/autobús hacia _____? (''DOHN-deh ehs-TAH ehl trehn/ ow-toh-BOOS ah-syah_____?'')
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến đâu _____? : ¿Dónde está el tren/bus hacia _____?
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt có dừng lại ở _____? : ¿Se para este tren/autobús en? _____? (''seh PAH-rah EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS ehn___?'')
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt có dừng lại ở _____? : ¿Este tren/bus para en _____?
; Khi nào tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt _____ nghỉ? : ¿Cuándo hace el tren/autobús para_____ departa? (''KWAHN-doh AH-seh ehl trehn/ow-toh-BOOS PAH-rah____deh-PAHR-tah?'')
; Khi nào tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt _____ nghỉ? : ¿Cuándo sale el tren/bus hacia _____?
; Khi nào thì tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến _____? : ¿Cuándo llegará este tren/autobús a _____? (''KWAHN-doh yeh-gah-RAH EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS ah____?'')
; Khi nào thì tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến _____? : ¿Cuándo llegará este tren/bus a _____?

; Làm thế nào để tôi đến _____ ? : ¿Cómo puedo llegar a _____ ? (''KOH-moh PWEH-doh yeh-GAHR ah____?'')
; Làm thế nào để tôi đến _____ ? : ¿Cómo puedo llegar a _____ ? (''KOH-moh PWEH-doh yeh-GAHR ah____?'')
Dòng 282: Dòng 281:
; ...nhà nghỉ thanh niên? : hostal? (''ahl ohs-TAHL'')
; ...nhà nghỉ thanh niên? : hostal? (''ahl ohs-TAHL'')
; ...khách sạn _____? : ...el hotel _____ ? (''ehl oh-TEHL?'')
; ...khách sạn _____? : ...el hotel _____ ? (''ehl oh-TEHL?'')
; ...tới đại sứ quán Việt Nam? : ...el consulado de vietnamita? (''ehl kohn-soo-LAH-doh deh viet-nam-mitaa'')
; ...tới đại sứ quán Việt Nam? : ...el consulado vietnamita? (''ehl kohn-soo-LAH-doh deh viet-nam-mitaa'')
; Nơi nào có nhiều... : ¿Dónde hay muchos... (''DOHN-deh eye MOO-chohs'')
; Nơi nào có nhiều... : ¿Dónde hay muchos... (''DOHN-deh eye MOO-chohs'')
; ...khách sạn? : (''oh-TEH-lehs'')
; ...khách sạn? : (''oh-TEH-lehs'')
Dòng 290: Dòng 289:
; Bạn có thể chỉ [vị trí] của tôi trên bản đồ? : ¿Puede enseñarme/mostrarme en el mapa? (''PWEH-deh ehn-seh-NYAHR-meh/mohs-TRAHR-meh ehn ehl MAH-pah?'')
; Bạn có thể chỉ [vị trí] của tôi trên bản đồ? : ¿Puede enseñarme/mostrarme en el mapa? (''PWEH-deh ehn-seh-NYAHR-meh/mohs-TRAHR-meh ehn ehl MAH-pah?'')
; đường : calle (''KAH-yeh'')
; đường : calle (''KAH-yeh'')
; rẽ trái. : Gire/doble/da vuelta a la izquierda. (''HEE-reh/DOH-bleh/dah VWEHL-tah ah lah ees-KYEHR-dah'')
; rẽ trái. : Gira/dobla/vira/voltea a la izquierda.
; rẽ phải. : Gire/doble/da vuelta a la derecha. (''HEE-reh/DOH-bleh/dah VWEHL-tah ah lah deh-REH-chah'')
; rẽ phải. : Gire/dobla/vira/voltea a la derecha.
; trái : izquierda (''ees-KYEHR-dah'')
; trái : izquierda
; phải : derecha (''deh-REH-chah'')
; phải : derecha
; thẳng về phía trước : todo recto (''TOH-doh REHK-toh'') , siga derecho (''SEE-gah deh-REH-choh'')
; thẳng về phía trước : sigue de frente
; hướng tới _____ : hacia el/la_____ (''HAH-syah ehl/lah'')
; hướng tới _____ : hacia el/la_____ (''HAH-syah ehl/lah'')
; quá _____ : pasado el/la _____ (''pah-SAH-doh ehl/lah'')
; quá _____ : pasando el/la _____ (''pah-SAHN-doh ehl/lah'')
; trước _____ : antes de _____ (''AHN-tehs deh'')
; trước _____ : antes de _____ (''AHN-tehs deh'')
; Cho biết vị trí _____ ở đâu. : busque el/la _____. (''BOOS-keh ehl/lah'')
; Cho biết vị trí _____ ở đâu. : busque el/la _____. (''BOOS-keh ehl/lah'')
Dòng 316: Dòng 315:
; Do you have any rooms available? : ¿Hay habitaciones libres? (''ai ah-bee-tah-SYOH-nehs LI-brehs?'')
; Do you have any rooms available? : ¿Hay habitaciones libres? (''ai ah-bee-tah-SYOH-nehs LI-brehs?'')
; How much does a room cost for one person/two people? : ¿Cuanto cuesta una habitación para una persona/para dos personas? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah OO-nah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN PAH-rah OO-nah pehr-SOH-nah/PAH-rah dohs pehr-SOH-nahs?'')
; How much does a room cost for one person/two people? : ¿Cuanto cuesta una habitación para una persona/para dos personas? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah OO-nah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN PAH-rah OO-nah pehr-SOH-nah/PAH-rah dohs pehr-SOH-nahs?'')
; Does the room come with...? : ¿La habitación viene con....? (''lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN BYEH-neh kohn?'')
; Does the room come with...? : ¿La habitación tiene.... (''lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN BYEH-neh kohn?'')
; ...bedsheets? : ...sábanas? (''SAH-bah-nahs?'')
; ...bedsheets? : ...sábanas? (''SAH-bah-nahs?'')
; ...a bathroom? : ...un baño? (''oon BAH-nyoh?'')
; ...a bathroom? : ...un baño? (''oon BAH-nyoh?'')
; ...a telephone? : ...un teléfono? (''oon teh-LEH-foh-noh?'')
; ...a telephone? : ...un teléfono? (''oon teh-LEH-foh-noh?'')
; ...a TV? : ...un televisor? (''oon teh-leh-vee-SOHR?'')
; ...a TV? : ...un televisor? (''oon teh-leh-vee-SOHR?'')
; ...with Internet access? : ...con acceso al internet? (''kohn ahk-SEH-soh ahl een-terh-NEHT?'')
; ...with Internet access? : ...con acceso a internet? (''kohn ahk-SEH-soh ahl een-terh-NEHT?'')
; ...with room service? : ...con servicio a la habitación? (''kohn sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN?'')
; ...with room service? : ...con servicio a la habitación? (''kohn sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN?'')
; ...a double bed? : ...una cama de matrimonio? (''OO-nah KAH-mah mah-tree-MOH-nyoh?'')
; ...a double bed? : ...una cama doble? (''OO-nah KAH-mah DOH-bleh?'')
; ...a single bed? : ...una cama sola? (''OO-nah KAH-mah SOH-lah?'')
; ...a single bed? : ...una cama simple? (''OO-nah KAH-mah SOH-lah?'')
; May I see the room first? : ¿Puedo ver la habitación primero? (''PWEH-doh vehr lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN pree-MEH-roh?'')
; May I see the room first? : ¿Puedo ver la habitación primero? (''PWEH-doh vehr lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN pree-MEH-roh?'')
; Do you have anything quieter? : ¿Tiene algo más tranquilo? (''TYEH-neh AHL-goh MAHS trahn-KEE-loh?'')
; Do you have anything quieter? : ¿Tiene algo más tranquilo? (''TYEH-neh AHL-goh MAHS trahn-KEE-loh?'')
Dòng 335: Dòng 334:
; Can you suggest other hotels? : ¿Puede recomendarme otros hoteles? (''PWEH-deh reh-koh-mehn-DAHR-meh OH-trohs oh-TEH-lehs?'')
; Can you suggest other hotels? : ¿Puede recomendarme otros hoteles? (''PWEH-deh reh-koh-mehn-DAHR-meh OH-trohs oh-TEH-lehs?'')
; Do you have a safe? : ¿Hay caja fuerte? (''eye KAH-hah FWEHR-teh?'')
; Do you have a safe? : ¿Hay caja fuerte? (''eye KAH-hah FWEHR-teh?'')
; ...lockers? : ...taquillas?/casilleros?/guardaropas?(''tah-KEE-yahs/kah-see-YEH-rohs?/gwah-rdah-ROH-pahs'')
; ...lockers? : ...taquillas?/casilleros?/guardarropas?(''tah-KEE-yahs/kah-see-YEH-rohs?/gwah-rdah-ROH-pahs'')
; Is breakfast/supper included? : ¿El desayuno/la cena va incluido/a? (''ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah bah een-kloo-WEE-doh/ah?'')
; Is breakfast/supper included? : ¿El desayuno/la cena va incluido/a? (''ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah bah een-kloo-WEE-doh/ah?'')
; What time is breakfast/supper? : ¿A qué hora es el desayuno/la cena? (''ah KEH OH-rah ehs ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah?'')
; What time is breakfast/supper? : ¿A qué hora es el desayuno/la cena? (''ah KEH OH-rah ehs ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah?'')
Dòng 344: Dòng 343:
; Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? : ¿Aceptan dólares estadounidenses/australianos/canadienses? (''ah-SEHP-tahn DOH-lah-rehs ehs-tah-dow-oo-nee-DEHN-sehs/ows-trah-LYAH-nohs/kah-nah-DYEHN-sehs?'')
; Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? : ¿Aceptan dólares estadounidenses/australianos/canadienses? (''ah-SEHP-tahn DOH-lah-rehs ehs-tah-dow-oo-nee-DEHN-sehs/ows-trah-LYAH-nohs/kah-nah-DYEHN-sehs?'')
; Do you accept British pounds? : ¿Aceptan libras esterlinas británicas? (''ah-SEHP-tahn LEE-brahs ehs-tehr-LEE-nahs bree-TAH-nee-kahs?'')
; Do you accept British pounds? : ¿Aceptan libras esterlinas? (''ah-SEHP-tahn LEE-brahs ehs-tehr-LEE-nahs?'')
; Do you accept euros? : ¿Aceptan euros? (''ah-SEHP-tahn eh-OO-rohs?'')
; Do you accept euros? : ¿Aceptan euros? (''ah-SEHP-tahn eh-OO-rohs?'')
; Do you accept credit cards? : ¿Aceptan tarjeta de crédito? (''ah-SEHP-tahn tahr-HEH-tah deh KREH-dee-toh?'')
; Do you accept credit cards? : ¿Aceptan tarjeta de crédito? (''ah-SEHP-tahn tahr-HEH-tah deh KREH-dee-toh?'')
Dòng 360: Dòng 359:

; plate : plato (''PLAH-toh'')
; plate : plato (''PLAH-toh'')
; bowl : tazón/cuenco (''tah-SOHN/KWEHN-koh'')
; bowl : tazón/bowl (''tah-SOHN/bowl'')
; spoon : cuchara (''koo-CHAH-rah'')
; spoon : cuchara (''koo-CHAH-rah'')
; fork : tenedor (''teh-NEH-dohr'')
; fork : tenedor (''teh-NEH-dohr'')
Dòng 376: Dòng 375:
; I don't eat pork. : No como cerdo. (''noh KOH-moh SEHR-doh'')
; I don't eat pork. : No como cerdo. (''noh KOH-moh SEHR-doh'')
; I only eat kosher food. : Sólo como comida kosher. (''SOH-loh KOH-moh koh-MEE-dah koh-SHEHR'') (In a restaurant they will stare at you, since "kosher" is as Spanish as "empanada" is English.)
; I only eat kosher food. : Sólo como comida kosher. (''SOH-loh KOH-moh koh-MEE-dah koh-SHEHR'') (In a restaurant they will stare at you, since "kosher" is as Spanish as "empanada" is English.)
; Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard) : ¿Puede poner poco aceite/poca mantequilla/poca grasa/manteca? (''PWEH-deh poh-NEHR POH-koh ah-SAY-teh/POH-kah mahn-teh-KEE-yah/POH-kah GRAH-sah/mahn-TEH-kah?'')
; Can you make it "light", please? (less oil/butter/lard) : ¿Pueden hacerlo tipo light/ligero?
; fixed-price meal : comida precio fijo (''koh-MEE-dah preh-see-oh fee-ho'')
; à la carte : a la carta (''ah lah KAHR-tah'')
; à la carte : a la carta (''ah lah KAHR-tah'')
; breakfast : desayuno (''deh-sah-YOO-noh'')
; breakfast : desayuno
; lunch : almuerzo
; lunch : comida (''koh-MEE-dah'') (Spain, Mexico), almuerzo (''ahl-MWEHR-soh'') (South America)
; dinner or supper : cena (''SEH-nah'') (everywhere)
; dinner or supper : cena
; snack : bocado (''boh-KAH-doh'')
; snack : bocado (''boh-KAH-doh'')
; I want _____. : Quiero _____. (''KYEH-roh'')
; I want _____. : Quiero _____. (''KYEH-roh'')
Dòng 389: Dòng 387:
; fish : pescado (''pehs-KAH-doh'')
; fish : pescado (''pehs-KAH-doh'')
; ham : jamón (''hah-MOHN'')
; ham : jamón (''hah-MOHN'')
; sausage : salchicha (''sahl-CHEE-chah''), vienesa (''byeh-NEH-sah'')
; sausage : salchicha, vienesa (Chile)
; cheese : queso (''KEH-soh'')
; cheese : queso (''KEH-soh'')
; eggs : huevos (''oo-WEH-bohs'')
; eggs : huevos (''oo-WEH-bohs'')
Dòng 399: Dòng 397:
; noodles : fideos (''FEE-deh-ohs'')
; noodles : fideos (''FEE-deh-ohs'')
; rice : arroz (''ahr-ROHS'')
; rice : arroz (''ahr-ROHS'')
; beans : frijoles (''free-HOH-lehs''), habichuelas (''ah-bee-CHWEH-lahs'')
; beans : frijoles (''free-HOH-lehs'')
; May I have a glass of _____? : ¿Me puede poner/traer un vaso de _____? (''meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR oon BAH-soh deh?'')
; May I have a glass of _____? : ¿Me puede poner/traer un vaso de _____? (''meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR oon BAH-soh deh?'')
; May I have a cup of _____? : ¿Me puede poner/traer una taza de _____? (''meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR OO-nah TAH-sah deh?'')
; May I have a cup of _____? : ¿Me puede poner/traer una taza de _____? (''meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR OO-nah TAH-sah deh?'')
Dòng 405: Dòng 403:
; coffee : café (''kah-FEH'')
; coffee : café (''kah-FEH'')
; tea (''drink'') : té (''TEH'')
; tea (''drink'') : té (''TEH'')
; juice : zumo (''THOO-mo'') (Spain), jugo (''HOO-goh'') (South America)
; juice : jugo (''HOO-goh'')
; water : agua (''AH-gwah'')
; water : agua (''AH-gwah'')
; (bubbly) water : agua con gas (''AH-gwah kohn gahs'') (if you say ''agua'', if you ask at the bar, it will be tap water (for free), at the table it is normally bottled); ''Agua mineral'' (''AH-gwah mee-neh-RAHL'') is bottled mineral water.
; (bubbly) water : agua con gas (''AH-gwah kohn gahs'')
; beer : cerveza (''sehr-VAY-sah'')
; beer : cerveza (''sehr-VAY-sah'')
; red/white wine : vino tinto/blanco (''BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh'')
; red/white wine : vino tinto/blanco (''BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh'')
Dòng 414: Dòng 412:
; black pepper : pimienta (''pee-MYEHN-tah'')
; black pepper : pimienta (''pee-MYEHN-tah'')
; butter : mantequilla (''mahn-teh-KEE-yah'') , manteca (''mahn-TEH-kah'') (in Argentina)
; butter : mantequilla (''mahn-teh-KEE-yah'') , manteca (''mahn-TEH-kah'') (in Argentina)
; Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server'): ¡camarero! (''kah-mah-REH-roh'') (Spain), ¡mesero! (''meh-SEH-roh'') (Latin America), ¡mozo! (''MOH-zoh'') (Argentina)
; Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server'): ¡Mozo!
; I'm finished. : He acabado, terminé (''heh ah-kah-BAH-doh, tehr-mee-NEH'') (The first phrase can refer to the finishing of a completely unrelated physiological activity)
; I'm finished. : He acabado, terminé (''heh ah-kah-BAH-doh, tehr-mee-NEH'') (The first phrase can refer to the finishing of a completely unrelated physiological activity)
; It was delicious. : Estaba delicioso/muy bueno/muy rico. (Arg.) (''ehs-TAH-bah deh-lee-SYOH-soh/MOO-ee BWEH-noh/MOO-ee REE-koh'')
; It was delicious. : Estaba delicioso/muy bueno/muy rico. (''ehs-TAH-bah deh-lee-SYOH-soh/MOO-ee BWEH-noh/MOO-ee REE-koh'')
; Please clear the plates. : Puede llevarse los platos. (''PWEH-deh yeh-BAHR-seh lohs PLAH-tohs'')
; Please clear the plates. : Puede llevarse los platos. (''PWEH-deh yeh-BAHR-seh lohs PLAH-tohs'')
; The check, please. : La cuenta, por favor. (''lah KWEHN-tah, pohr fah-BOHR'')
; The check, please. : La cuenta, por favor. (''lah KWEHN-tah, pohr fah-BOHR'')

Note that you must ask for the bill. A ''gringo'' was known to have waited until 2 in the morning because he was too shy to ask :).

Dòng 428: Dòng 424:
; club : club (''kloob'')
; club : club (''kloob'')
; Could we dance here? : ¿Podríamos bailar aquí? (''poh-DREE-ah-mohs BAI-lahr ah-KEE?'')
; Could we dance here? : ¿Podríamos bailar aquí? (''poh-DREE-ah-mohs BAI-lahr ah-KEE?'')
; What time do you close? : ¿A qué hora usted cierra? (''ah KEH OH-rah oos-TEHD SYEHR-rah?'')
; What time do you close? : ¿A qué horas cierran?
; Do you serve alcohol? : ¿Sirve usted el alcohol? (''SEER-beh oos-TEHD ehl ahl-koh-OHL?'')
; Do you serve alcohol? : ¿Sirven bebidas alcohólicas?
; Is there table service? : ¿Hay servicio a la mesa? (''eye sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah MEH-sah?'')
; Is there table service? : ¿Hay servicio a la mesa? (''eye sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah MEH-sah?'')
; A beer/two beers, please. : Una cerveza/dos cervezas, por favor. (''OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah/dohs sehr-BEH-sahs, pohr FAH-bohr'')
; A beer/two beers, please. : Una cerveza/dos cervezas, por favor. (''OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah/dohs sehr-BEH-sahs, pohr FAH-bohr'')
; A glass of red/white wine. : Un vaso de vino tinto/blanco. (''oon BAH-soh deh BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh'')
; A glass of red/white wine. : Un vaso de vino tinto/blanco. (''oon BAH-soh deh BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh'')
; A pint (of beer) : ''Una jarra de cerveza'' (normally it will be half a liter, not really a pint); In Chile or Argentina ''un schop'' might be anywhere from 300mL to one litre; in Spain the most common is ''una caña'' which is 200mL in a tube glass; you can also ask for ''un quinto'' (200mL bottle) or ''un tercio'' (330mL bottle)
; A pint (of beer) : ''Una jarra de cerveza'' (normally it will be half a liter, not really a pint); In Latin America ''un chopp'' might be anywhere from 300mL to one litre; in Spain the most common is ''una caña'' which is 200mL in a tube glass; you can also ask for ''un quinto'' (200mL bottle) or ''un tercio'' (330mL bottle)
; A glass of draft beer : ''Un schop'' (''oon SHOHP'') (Chile and Argentina) / ''Una cerveza de barril'' (''OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah deh bahr-REEL'') (Mexico); in Spain you can ask for Cerveza negra, not very common in spanish ''Bares'', but easy to find in ''Pubs'' (Pub=small club where just drinks are served).
; A glass of draft beer : ''Un chopp'' (''oon CHOHP'') (Chile and Argentina) / ''Una cerveza de barril'' (''OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah deh bahr-REEL'') (Mexico); in Spain you can ask for Cerveza negra, not very common in spanish ''Bares'', but easy to find in ''Pubs'' (Pub=small club where just drinks are served).
; _____ (''hard liquor'') and _____ (''mixer''). : ''_____ con _____.'' In Spain, ''Cubata'' is Coke with whiskey
; _____ (''hard liquor'') and _____ (''mixer''). : ''_____ con _____.'' In Spain, ''Cubata'' is Coke with whiskey
; A bottle. : Una botella. (''OO-nah boh-TEH-yah'')
; A bottle. : Una botella. (''OO-nah boh-TEH-yah'')
; whiskey : whisky (''WEES-kee'')
; whisky : whisky (''WEES-kee'')
; vodka : vodka (''BOHD-kah'')
; vodka : vodka (''BOHD-kah'')
; rum : ron (''rohn'')
; rum : ron (''rohn'')
Dòng 443: Dòng 439:
; tonic water : agua tónica (''AH-gwah TOH-nee-kah'')
; tonic water : agua tónica (''AH-gwah TOH-nee-kah'')
; orange juice : jugo de naranja (''HOO-goh deh NAH-rahn-hah'')
; orange juice : jugo de naranja (''HOO-goh deh NAH-rahn-hah'')
; Coke (''soda'') : Coca-Cola (refresco) (''KOH-kah-KOH-lah (reh-FREHS-koh)'')
; Coke (''soda'') : Coca-Cola (gaseosa) (''KOH-kah-KOH-lah (gah-SEH-oh-sah)'')
; Do you have any bar snacks? : ¿Tiene algo para picar? (''TYEH-neh AHL-goh PAH-rah pee-KARH'') (In Spain they will give you tapas (''TAH-pahs''), depends a lot on the bar.)
; Do you have any bar snacks? : ¿Tienen piqueos?
; A toast! : ¡Un Brindi! (''oon BREEN-dee'')
; A toast! : ¡Un Brindis! (''oon BREEN-dees'')
; One more, please. : Otro/a ______, por favor. (''OH-troh/ah pohr-FAH-bohr'')
; One more, please. : Otro/a ______, por favor. (''OH-troh/ah pohr-FAH-bohr'')
; Another round, please. : Otra ronda, por favor. (''OH-trah ROHN-dah, pohr FAH-bohr'')
; Another round, please. : Otra ronda, por favor. (''OH-trah ROHN-dah, pohr fah-VOHR'')
; Cheers! : ¡Salud! (''sah-LOOD'')
; Cheers! : ¡Salud! (''sah-LOOD'')
; When is closing time? : ¿Cuándo cierran? (''KWAHN-doh SYEHR-rahn'')
; When is closing time? : ¿Cuándo cierran? (''KWAHN-doh SYEHR-rahn'')

; Do you have this in my size? : ¿Tiene esto de mi talla? (''TYEH-neh EHS-toh deh mee TAH-yah?'')
; Do you have this in my size? : ¿Tienes esto en mi talla? (''TYEH-neh EHS-toh deh mee TAH-yah?'')
; How much is this? : ¿Cuánto cuesta? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah?'')
; How much is this? : ¿Cuánto cuesta? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah?'')
; That's too expensive. : Es demasiado caro. (''ehs deh-mah-MYAH-doh KAH-roh'')
; That's too expensive. : Es muy caro. (''ehs deh-mah-MYAH-doh KAH-roh'')
; Would you take Visa/American dollars? : ¿Aceptan Visa/dólares Americano? (''ah-SEHP-tahn BEE-sah/DOH-lah-rehs ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh?'')
; Would you take Visa/American dollars? : ¿Aceptan Visa/dólares? (''ah-SEHP-tahn BEE-sah/DOH-lah-rehs ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh?'')
; expensive : caro (''KAH-roh'')
; expensive : caro (''KAH-roh'')
; cheap : barato (''bah-RAH-toh'')
; cheap : barato (''bah-RAH-toh'')
; I can't afford it. : Es muy caro para mí. (''ehs MOO-ee KAH-roh PAH-rah mee'')
; I can't afford it. : Es muy caro para mí. (''ehs MOO-ee KAH-roh PAH-rah mee'')
; I don't want it. : No lo quiero. (''noh loh KYEH-roh'')
; I don't want it. : No lo quiero. (''noh loh KYEH-roh'')
; You're cheating me. : Me está engañando. (''meh ehs-TAH ehn-gah-NYAHN-doh'')
; You're cheating me. : Me estas engañando. (''meh ehs-TAH ehn-gah-NYAHN-doh'')
; I'm not interested. : No me interesa. (''noh meh een-teh-REH-sah'')
; I'm not interested. : No me interesa. (''noh meh een-teh-REH-sah'')
; OK, I'll take it. : De acuerdo, me lo llevaré. (''deh ah-KWEHR-doh, meh loh yeh-bah-REH'')
; OK, I'll take it. : De acuerdo, me lo llevaré. (''deh ah-KWEHR-doh, meh loh yeh-bah-REH'')
; Can I have a bag? : ¿Tiene una bolsa? (''TYEH-neh OO-nah BOHL-sah'')
; Can I have a bag? : ¿Tienes una bolsa? (''TYEH-neh OO-nah BOHL-sah'')
; Can you ship it to my country? : ¿Puede enviarlo a mi país? (''PWEH-dah ehn-BYAHR-loh ah mee pah-EES?'')
; Can you ship it to my country? : ¿Puedes enviarlo a mi país? (''PWEH-dah ehn-BYAHR-loh ah mee pah-EES?'')
; I need... : Necesito... (''neh-seh-SEE-toh'')
; I need... : Necesito... (''neh-seh-SEE-toh'')
; ...batteries. : ...pilas/baterías (''PEE-lahs/bah-teh-REE-ahs'')
; ...batteries. : ...pilas/baterías (''PEE-lahs/bah-teh-REE-ahs'')
Dòng 478: Dòng 474:
; ...a postcard. : ...una postal. (''OO-nah pohs-TALH'')
; ...a postcard. : ...una postal. (''OO-nah pohs-TALH'')
; ...a razor. : ...una hoja/navaja de afeitar/rasuradora (machine) (''OO-nah OH-hah/nah-BAH-hah deh ah-fay-TAHR/rah-soo-rah-DOH-rah'')
; ...a razor. : ...una hoja/navaja de afeitar/rasuradora (machine) (''OO-nah OH-hah/nah-BAH-hah deh ah-fay-TAHR/rah-soo-rah-DOH-rah'')
; ...shampoo. : ...champú. (''chahm-POO'')
; ...shampoo. : ...shampoo. (''shahm-POO'')
; ...stomach medicine. : .... medicamento para el dolor de estómago (''meh-dee-kah-MEHN-toh PAH-rah ehl doh-LOHR deh ehs-TOH-mah-goh'')
; ...stomach medicine. : .... medicamento para el dolor de estómago (''meh-dee-kah-MEHN-toh PAH-rah ehl doh-LOHR deh ehs-TOH-mah-goh'')
; ...soap. : ...jabón. (''hah-BOHN'')
; ...soap. : ...jabón. (''hah-BOHN'')
Dòng 489: Dòng 485:

; I want to rent a car. : Quiero alquilar un coche (Spain)/carro (South America). (''KYEH-roh ahl-kee-LAHR oon KOH-cheh/KAHR-roh'')
; I want to rent a car. : Quiero alquilar un auto.
; Can I get insurance? : ¿Puedo contratar un seguro?
; Can I get insurance? : ¿Puedo contratar un seguro?
; STOP (''on a street sign'') : STOP (''stohp'') (Spain), ALTO (''AHL-toh'') (México), PARE (''PAH-reh'') (Chile, Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Puerto Rico)
; STOP (''on a street sign'') : STOP (''stohp'') (Spain), ALTO (''AHL-toh'') (México), PARE (''PAH-reh'') (Chile, Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Puerto Rico)
; one way : dirección única (''dee-rehk-SYOHN OO-nee-kah'')
; one way : un solo sentido
; no parking : no aparcar (''noh ah-pahr-KAHR'') , no estacionar (''noh ehs-tah-syoh-NAHR'')
; no parking : prohibido estacionar
; speed limit : límite de velocidad (''LEE-mee-teh deh beh-loh-see-DAHD'') , velocidad máxima (''beh-loh-see-DAHD MAHK-see-mah'')
; speed limit : límite de velocidad (''LEE-mee-teh deh beh-loh-see-DAHD'') , velocidad máxima (''beh-loh-see-DAHD MAHK-see-mah'')
; gas/petrol station :estación de servicio, grifo
; gas/petrol station : gasolinera (''gah-soh-lee-NEH-rah'') , estación de bencina (''ehs-tah-SYOHN deh behn-SEE-nah'') (Chile), estación de servicio (''ehs-tah-SYOHN deh sehr-BEE-syoh'') (Argentina)
; gas/petrol : gasolina (''gah-soh-LEE-nah'') , bencina (''behn-SEE-nah'') (Chile), nafta (''NAHF-tah'') (Argentina)
; gas/petrol : gasolina (''gah-soh-LEE-nah'') , bencina (''behn-SEE-nah'') (Chile), nafta (''NAHF-tah'') (Argentina)
; diesel : petróleo
; diesel : gasóleo (''gah-SOH-leh-oh'') , diesel (''DYEH-sehl'') (Latin America), gasóil/diésel (''gah-SOIL/DYEH-sehl'') (Spain)

; I haven't done anything wrong. : No he hecho nada malo. (''NOH eh EH-choh NAH-dah MAH-loh'')
; I haven't done anything wrong. : No he hecho nada malo. (''NOH eh EH-choh NAH-dah MAH-loh'')
Dòng 535: Dòng 530:
; I've been raped! : ¡He sido violada/do! (''eh SEE-doh byoh-LAH-dah/doh'')
; I've been raped! : ¡He sido violada/do! (''eh SEE-doh byoh-LAH-dah/doh'')

[[w:Tieng Tay Ban Nha]]

[[WikiPedia:Spanish language]]


Phiên bản lúc 23:46, ngày 16 tháng 6 năm 2016

Từ vựng

Note: For the most part, these examples give Latin American pronunciation, not actually from Spain.

Cơ bản

Từ thường gặp

Abierto (ah-bee-AIR-toh)
Cerrado (sehr-RAH-doh)
Lối vào
Entrada (ehn-TRAH-dah)
Lối ra
Salida (sah-LEE-dah)
Empuje (ehm-POO-heh)
Tira/Jala (TEE-rah/HAH-lah)
Nhà vệ sinh
Đàn ông
Hombres (OHM-brays) / Caballeros (kah-bah-YEH-rohs)
Phụ nữ
Mujeres (moo-HEH-rehs) / Señoras (sehn-YOH-rahs)
Không hút thuốc
No fumar/fume (noh foo-MAHR/FOO-may)
Prohibido (pro-hee-BEE-doh)
Chào (thân mật)
Hola (OH-lah)
Chúc một ngày tốt lành
Que pases un buen día (keh PAH-seh un BWEHN DEE-ah)
Bạn khỏe không? (thân mật)
¿Cómo estás? (KOH-moh ehs-TAHS?)
Ngài khỏe không? (lịch sự)
¿Cómo está usted? (KOH-moh ehs-TAH oos-TEHD?)
Cảm ơn, tôi khỏe
Muy bien, gracias. (MOO-ee byehn, GRAH-syahs)
Tên của bạn là gì? (thân mật)
¿Cómo te llamas? (KOH-moh TAY YAH-mahs?)
Tên của bạn là gì? (lịch sự)
¿Cómo se llama usted? (KOH-moh SAY YAH-mah oos-TEHD?)
Bạn là ai? (thân mật)
¿Quién eres? (KYEN EH-rehs?)
Bạn là ai? (lịch sự)
¿Quién es usted? (KYEN ehs oos-TEHD?)
Tên tôi là ______
Me llamo ______ (MEH YAH-moh _____ )
Tôi là ______
Yo soy ______ (YOH SOY ______)
Rất vui được gặp bạn
Encantado/a (ehn-kahn-TAH-doh/ehn-kahn-TAH-dah)
Đó là một hân hạn khi được gặp các bạn
Mucho gusto. (MOO-choh GOOS-toh)
Làm ơn
Por favor (POHR fah-VOHR)
Cảm ơn
Gracias (GRAH-syahs)
Không có gì
De nada (DEH NAH-dah)
No (NOH)
Tha lỗi cho tôi (nhận được sự chú ý)
Disculpe (dees-KOOL-peh)
Tha lỗi cho tôi (xin tha thứ)
Perdone (pehr-DOHN-eh)
Tha lỗi cho tôi (may I get by?)
Permiso (pehr-MEE-so)
Xin lỗi
Lo siento (LOH SYEHN-toh)
Tạm biệt
Adiós (ah-DYOHS) / Hasta luego (AHS-tah LWEH-goh)
Tôi có thể nói được chút ít tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Hablo un poco español. (ah-BLOH oon POH-koh eha-pah-NYOHL)
Tôi không nói được tiếng Tây Ban Nha (well)
No hablo (bien) español (noh AH-bloh (byehn) ehs-pah-NYOL)
Bạn nói được tiếng Viet không? (thân mật)
¿Hablas vietnamita?
Bạn nói được tiếng Viet không? (lịch sự)
¿Habla usted vietnamita?
Có người nào ở đây nói được tiếng Anh không?
¿Hay alguien que hable vietnamita?
Giúp tôi với!
¡Ayuda! (ah-YOO-dah!) / ¡Socorro! (soh-KOHR-roh!)
Chào buổi sáng
Buenos días (BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs)
Chào buổi chiều / buổi tối
Buenas tardes (BWEH-nahs TAR-dehs)
Chúc ngủ ngon
Buenas noches (BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs)
Tôi không hiểu
No entiendo (NOH ehn-TYEHN-doh)
Bạn có thể nói chậm một chút không?
¿Podrías hablar más despacio por favor?
Bạn có thể nói lại không?
¿Podrías repetírmelo por favor?
Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy?
¿Dónde está el baño? (DOHN-deh ehss-TAH EHL BAH-nyoh?)

Vấn đề

Để tôi một mình
Déjame en paz. (DEH-hah-meh ehn PAHS)
Đừng động vào tôi!
¡No me toques! (noh meh TOH-kehs!)
Tôi gọi cảnh sát.
Llamaré a la policía. (yah-mah-REH ah lah poh-lee-SEE-ah)
Cảnh sát!
¡Policía! (poh-lee-SEE-ah!)
Dừng lại! Thằng ăn trộm!
¡Alto, ladrón! (AHL-toh, lah-DROHN!)
Tôi cần giúp đỡ.
Necesito ayuda. (neh-seh-SEE-toh ah-YOO-dah)
Đây là trường hợp khẩn cấp.
Es una emergencia. (ehs OO-nah eh-mehr-HEHN-syah)
Tôi bị mất cắp.
Estoy perdido/a (ehs-TOY pehr-DEE-doh/dah)
Tôi bị mất túi xách tay.
Perdí mi bolsa/bolso/cartera. (pehr-DEE mee BOHL-sah / BOHL-soh / kahr-TEH-rah)
Tôi bị mất ví của tôi.
Perdí la cartera/billetera. (pehr-DEE lah kahr-TEH-rah / bee-yeh-TEH-rah)
Tôi bị đau.
Estoy enfermo/a. (ehs-TOY ehn-FEHR-moh/mah)
Tôi bị thương.
Estoy herido/a. (ehs-TOY heh-REE-doh/dah)
Tôi cần đến bác sĩ.
Necesito un médico. (neh-seh-SEE-toh OON MEH-dee-coh)
Tôi có thể sử dụng điện thoại của bạn?
¿Puedo usar su teléfono? (PWEH-doh oo-SAHR soo teh-LEH-foh-noh?)
Tôi có thể mượn điện thoại / điện thoại di động?
¿Me presta su celular? (meh PREHS-tah soo seh-loo-LAHR?)
Tôi cần phải gọi đại sứ quán.
Necesito llamar a la embajada (neh-seh-SEE-toh yah-MAHR ah lah em-bah-HAH-dah)


In general, the Spanish numbering system is fairly straightforward. For numbers from 21-29, the "e" from "veinte" is substituted with an "i", and the ordinal number is added to the back. For numbers from 31-99, the tens and ones are separated by "y" (eg. 31: treinta y uno; 99: noventa y nueve). Note the "y" is not used to separate the hundreds from the tens, or the thousands from the hundreds. From 200 onwards, the hundreds are named by using the ordinal number + cientos (eg: 200: doscientos), but the numbers 500, 700 and 900 are exceptions to this rule and must be memorised. Naming of the thousands is straightforward, with ordinal number + mil. From the millions onwards, note that the plural for is used for numbers above 1,000,000. Also note that unlike English, Spanish uses the long scale. Therefore, un billón and un trillón is not the same as the English "one billion" and "one trillion".

cero (SEH-roh)
uno (OO-noh)
dos (dohs)
tres (trehs)
cuatro (KWAH-troh)
cinco (SEEN-koh)
seis (SEH-ees)
siete (see-EH-teh)
ocho (OH-choh)
nueve (noo-EH-beh)
diez (dee-EHS)
once (OHN-seh)
doce (DOH-seh)
trece (TREH-seh)
catorce (kah-TOHR-seh)
quince (KEEN-seh)
dieciséis (dee-EH-see-SEH-ees)
diecisiete (dee-EH-see-see-EH-teh)
dieciocho (dee-EH-see-OH-choh)
diecinueve (dee-EH-see-NOO-EH-beh)
veinte (VAIN-teh)
veintiuno (VAIN-tee-OO-noh)
veintidós (VAIN-tee-DOHS)
veintitrés (VAIN-tee-TREHS)
treinta (TRAIN-tah)
treinta y uno
treinta y dos
cuarenta (kwah-REHN-tah)
cincuenta (seen-KWEHN-tah)
sesenta (seh-SEHN-tah)
setenta (seh-TEHN-tah)
ochenta (oh-CHEHN-tah)
noventa (noh-BEHN-tah)
cien (see-EHN)
ciento uno
ciento dos
doscientos (dohs-see-EHN-tohs)
doscientos uno
doscientos dos
trescientos (trehs-see-EHN-tohs)
quinientos (kee-nee-EHN-tohs)
mil (MEEL)
mil uno
mil dos
dos mil (dohs MEEL)
tres mil
un millón (oon mee-YOHN)
dos millones
mil millones (meel mee-YOH-nehs)
un billón (oon bee-YOHN)
medio (MEH-dyoh)
menos (MEH-nohs)
más (MAHS)

Thời điểm

bây giờ
ahora (ah-OH-rah)
lát nữa
después (dehs-PWEHS)
trước đó
antes (AHN-tehs)
buổi sáng
mañana (mah-NYAH-nah)
buổi chiều
tarde (TAHR-deh)
ban đêm
noche (NOH-cheh)

Giờ đồng hồ

1 giờ sáng
la una de la madrugada; la una de la mañana (lah OOH-nah deh lah mah-droo-GAH-dah; lah OOH-nah deh lah mah-NYAH-nah)
2 giờ sáng
las dos de la madrugada; las dos de la mañana (lahs DOHS deh lah mah-droo-GAH-dah; lahss DOHS deh lah mah-NYAH-nah)
10 giờ sáng
las diez de la mañana (lahs dee-EHS deh lah mah-NYAH-nah)
mediodía; las doce de la mañana (meh-dee-oh-DEE-ah; lahs DOH-seh deh lah mah-NYAH-nah)
1 giờ chiều
la una de la tarde (lah OOH-nah deh lah TAHR-deh)
2 giờ chiều
las dos de la tarde (lahs DOHS deh lah TAHR-deh)
10 giờ tối
las diez de la noche (lahs dee-EHS deh lah NOH-cheh)
nữa đêm
medianoche; las doce de la noche (meh-dee-yah-NOH-cheh; lahs DOH-seh deh lah NOH-cheh)

Writing Time

When speaking, times are given in AM/PM form (but saying de la mañana (morning), de la tarde (afternoon), de la noche (evening/night) or de la madrugada (late night) to distinguish between AM and PM. Rarely do Spanish speakers use the 24-hour system in conversation. On the other hand, in most countries, times are rendered in 24-hour format (as in Britain), with a colon separating hours and minutes:

9 o'clock AM
nueve de la mañana (spoken: NWEH-beh deh la mah-NYAH-nah), 9:00 (written)
12 & 30 PM
doce y media de la mañana (spoken: DOH-seh ee MEH-dee-ah deh la mah-NYAH-nah), 12:30 (written)
1 o'clock PM
una de la tarde (spoken: OOH-nah deh lah TAHR-deh), 13:00 (written)
10 o'clock PM
diez de la noche (spoken: dee-EHS deh la NOH-cheh), 22:00 (written)
2 o'clock AM
dos de la madrugada or dos de la mañana (spoken: DOHS deh la mah-droo-GAH-dah or DOHS deh la mah-NYAH-nah), 2:00 (written)

Thời gian

_____ phút
_____ minuto(s) (mee-NOO-toh(s))
_____ giờ
_____ hora(s) (OH-rah(s))
_____ ngày
_____ día(s) (DEE-ah(s))
_____ tuần
_____ semana(s) (seh-MAH-nah(s))
_____ tháng
_____ mes(es) (MEHS-(ehs))
_____ năm
_____ año(s) (AH-nyoh(s))


hôm nay
hoy (oy)
hôm qua
ayer (ah-YEHR)
ngày mai
mañana (mah-NYAH-nah)
tuần này
esta semana (EHS-tah seh-MAH-nah)
tuần trước
la semana pasada (lah seh-MAH-nah pah-SAH-dah)
tuần sau
la semana que viene (lah seh-MAH-nah keh BYEH-neh)
Ghi chú
Tất cả các ngày trong tuần đều viết bé
Thứ hai
lunes (LOO-nehs)
Thứ ba
martes (MAHR-tehs)
Thứ tư
miércoles (MYEHR-koh-lehs)
Thứ năm
jueves (WEH-vehs)
Thứ sáu
viernes (VYEHR-nehs)
Thứ bảy
sábado (SAH-bah-doh)
Chủ nhật
domingo (doh-MEEN-goh)

Một tuần lễ bắt đầu vào thứ hai..


Chú ý
Tất cả các tháng trong tiếng Tây Ban Nha được viết bằng chữ thường.
Tháng 1
enero (eh-NEH-roh)
Tháng 2
febrero (feh-BREH-roh)
Tháng 3
marzo (MAR-soh)
Tháng 4
abril (ah-BREEL)
Tháng 5
mayo (MAH-joh)
Tháng 6
junio (HOO-nyoh)
Tháng 7
julio (HOO-lyoh)
Tháng 8
agosto (ah-GOHS-toh)
Tháng 9
setiembre (seh-TYEHM-breh)
Tháng 10
octubre (ohk-TOO-breh)
Tháng 11
noviembre (noh-VYEHM-breh)
Tháng 12
diciembre (dee-SYEHM-breh)

Cách viết ngày

Ngày được viết ở dạng ngày-tháng-năm. Tất cả cách nói và viết, các hình thức dài và ngắn theo mô hình này:

7 tháng 5 năm 2003
7 de mayo de 2003
23 tháng 10 năm 1997
23 de octubre de 1997

Cấu trúc ngày-tháng (ví dụ 4 de julio) thường không được viết tắt. Trong các trường hợp hiếm hoi mà viết tắt được sử dụng, cách viết tháng bằng số thường không được sử dụng nhưng lại bằng chữ đầu tiên. Ví dụ thông thường là:

23 de febrero, ngày của một cuộc đảo chính thất bại ở Tây Ban Nha (1981)
11 de septiembre, ngày tấn công vào tòa tháp đôi WTC (2001) (và của cuộc đảo chính Chile năm 1973).


negro (NEH-groh)
blanco (BLAHN-koh)
gris (GREES)
rojo (ROH-hoh)
xanh lam
azul (ah-SOOL)
amarillo (ah-mah-REE-yoh)
xanh lục
verde (BEHR-deh)
naranja (nah-RAHN-hah), anaranjado (ah-nah-rahn-HA-doh)
púrpura (POOR-poo-rah) , morado (moh-RAH-doh), violeta (vee-oh-LEH-tah)
rosado (ROH-sah-doh)
marrón (mahr-ROHN) (it should be noted "marrón" is used to describe color of objects) , café (kah-FEH) (used mostly for skin color, clothing and fabric), castaño (kahs-TAH-nyoh) (is used primarily for skin color, eye color and hair color).

Vận tải

Common signs

PARE, ALTO, STOP (PAH-reh, AHL-toh, stohp)
PROHIBIDO EL PASO (pro-ee-BEE-doh el PAHS-oh)
DESPACIO (dehs-PAH-syoh)
UN SOLO SENTIDO (sehn-TEE-doh OO-nee-koh)
SIN SALIDA (seen sah-LEE-dah)
PELIGRO (peh-LEE-groh)
ô tô
carro(KAHR-roh), auto (OW-toh)
xe buýt
bus (boos)
xe thùng
van, combi
xe tải
camión (kah-MYOHN)
máy bay
trực thăng
helicóptero (eh-lee-KOHP-teh-roh)
tàu hỏa
tren (trehn)
tàu điện ngầm
metro (MEH-troh)
xe điện
tranvía (trahn-VYAH)
xe điện chở hành khách
trole (TROH-leh), trolebús (troh-leh-BOOS)
bote (BOH-teh)
tàu thủy
barco (BAHR-koh)
xe đạp
bicicleta (bee-see-KLEH-tah)
xe máy
motocicleta, moto, moto lineal

Bus and Train

Giá một vé đến _____ là bao nhiêu?
¿Cuánto cuesta un pasaje/boleto/billete para _____?
Một vé đến _____, làm ơn.
Un boleto/pasaje a _____, por favor.
Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đi đâu?
¿Hacia dónde va este tren/bus?
Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến đâu _____?
¿Dónde está el tren/bus hacia _____?
Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt có dừng lại ở _____?
¿Este tren/bus para en _____?
Khi nào tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt _____ nghỉ?
¿Cuándo sale el tren/bus hacia _____?
Khi nào thì tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến _____?
¿Cuándo llegará este tren/bus a _____?
Làm thế nào để tôi đến _____ ?
¿Cómo puedo llegar a _____ ? (KOH-moh PWEH-doh yeh-GAHR ah____?)
...nhà ga xe lửa? estación de tren? (....lah ehs-tah-SYOHN deh trehn?)
...bến xe buýt? estación de autobuses? (....lah ehs-tah-SYOHN deh ow-toh-BOO-sehs?)
...sân bay? aeropuerto? (ehl ah-eh-roh-PWEHR-toh?)
...trung tâm thành phố? centro? (ahl SEHN-troh?)
...nhà nghỉ thanh niên? hostal? (ahl ohs-TAHL)
...khách sạn _____?
...el hotel _____ ? (ehl oh-TEHL?)
...tới đại sứ quán Việt Nam?
...el consulado vietnamita? (ehl kohn-soo-LAH-doh deh viet-nam-mitaa)
Nơi nào có nhiều...
¿Dónde hay muchos... (DOHN-deh eye MOO-chohs)
...khách sạn? (oh-TEH-lehs)
...nhà hàng?
...restaurantes? (rehs-tow-RAHN-tehs)
...khách sạn?
...bares? (BAH-rehs)
...thắng cảnh?
...sitios para visitar? (SEE-tyohs PAH-rah bee-see-TAHR)
Bạn có thể chỉ [vị trí] của tôi trên bản đồ?
¿Puede enseñarme/mostrarme en el mapa? (PWEH-deh ehn-seh-NYAHR-meh/mohs-TRAHR-meh ehn ehl MAH-pah?)
calle (KAH-yeh)
rẽ trái.
Gira/dobla/vira/voltea a la izquierda.
rẽ phải.
Gire/dobla/vira/voltea a la derecha.
thẳng về phía trước
sigue de frente
hướng tới _____
hacia el/la_____ (HAH-syah ehl/lah)
quá _____
pasando el/la _____ (pah-SAHN-doh ehl/lah)
trước _____
antes de _____ (AHN-tehs deh)
Cho biết vị trí _____ ở đâu.
busque el/la _____. (BOOS-keh ehl/lah)
ngã ba / ngã tư / giao lộ
intersección , cruce (een-tehr-sehk-SYOHN, KROO-seh)
norte (NOHR-teh)
sur (soor)
este (EHS-teh)
oeste (ooh-EHS-teh)
đường dốc lên
hacia arriba (AH-syah ahr-REE-bah)
dốc xuống
hacia abajo (AH-syah ah-BAH-hoh)


¡Taxi! (TAHK-see)
Đưa tôi tới _____, làm ơn.
Lléveme a _____, por favor. (YEH-beh-meh ah)
Đến _____ hết bao nhiêu tiền?
¿Cuanto cuesta ir hasta/a _____? (KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah eer AHS-tah/ah)
Hãy để tôi ở lại đây, làm ơn.
Déjeme ahí, por favor. (DEH-heh-meh ah-EE, pohr FAH-bohr)


Do you have any rooms available?
¿Hay habitaciones libres? (ai ah-bee-tah-SYOH-nehs LI-brehs?)
How much does a room cost for one person/two people?
¿Cuanto cuesta una habitación para una persona/para dos personas? (KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah OO-nah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN PAH-rah OO-nah pehr-SOH-nah/PAH-rah dohs pehr-SOH-nahs?)
Does the room come with...?
¿La habitación tiene.... (lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN BYEH-neh kohn?)
...sábanas? (SAH-bah-nahs?)
...a bathroom?
...un baño? (oon BAH-nyoh?)
...a telephone?
...un teléfono? (oon teh-LEH-foh-noh?)
...a TV?
...un televisor? (oon teh-leh-vee-SOHR?)
...with Internet access?
...con acceso a internet? (kohn ahk-SEH-soh ahl een-terh-NEHT?)
...with room service?
...con servicio a la habitación? (kohn sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN?)
...a double bed?
...una cama doble? (OO-nah KAH-mah DOH-bleh?)
...a single bed?
...una cama simple? (OO-nah KAH-mah SOH-lah?)
May I see the room first?
¿Puedo ver la habitación primero? (PWEH-doh vehr lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN pree-MEH-roh?)
Do you have anything quieter?
¿Tiene algo más tranquilo? (TYEH-neh AHL-goh MAHS trahn-KEE-loh?)
...más grande? (MAHS GRAHN-deh)
...más limpio? (MAHS LEEM-pyoh)
...más barato? (MAHS bah-RAH-toh)
OK, I'll take it.
Muy bien, la tomaré. (MOO-ee byehn, lah toh-mah-REH)
I will stay for _____ night(s).
Me quedaré ______ noche(s). (meh keh-dah-REH ___ NOH-cheh(s))
Can you suggest other hotels?
¿Puede recomendarme otros hoteles? (PWEH-deh reh-koh-mehn-DAHR-meh OH-trohs oh-TEH-lehs?)
Do you have a safe?
¿Hay caja fuerte? (eye KAH-hah FWEHR-teh?)
Is breakfast/supper included?
¿El desayuno/la cena va incluido/a? (ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah bah een-kloo-WEE-doh/ah?)
What time is breakfast/supper?
¿A qué hora es el desayuno/la cena? (ah KEH OH-rah ehs ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah?)
Please clean my room.
Por favor, limpie mi habitación. (pohr fah-BOHR, LEEM-pyeh mee ah-bee-tah-SYOHN)
Can you wake me at _____?
¿Puede despertarme a las _____? (PWEH-deh dehs-pehr-TAHR-meh ah lahs)
I want to check out.
Quiero dejar el hotel. (KYEH-roh deh-HAHR ehl oh-TEHL)


Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
¿Aceptan dólares estadounidenses/australianos/canadienses? (ah-SEHP-tahn DOH-lah-rehs ehs-tah-dow-oo-nee-DEHN-sehs/ows-trah-LYAH-nohs/kah-nah-DYEHN-sehs?)
Do you accept British pounds?
¿Aceptan libras esterlinas? (ah-SEHP-tahn LEE-brahs ehs-tehr-LEE-nahs?)
Do you accept euros?
¿Aceptan euros? (ah-SEHP-tahn eh-OO-rohs?)
Do you accept credit cards?
¿Aceptan tarjeta de crédito? (ah-SEHP-tahn tahr-HEH-tah deh KREH-dee-toh?)
Can you change money for me?
¿Me puede cambiar dinero? (meh PWEH-deh kahm-BYAHR dee-NEH-roh?)
Where can I get money changed?
¿Dónde puedo cambiar dinero? (DOHN-deh PWEH-doh kahm-BYAHR dee-NEH-roh?)
Can you change a traveler's check for me?
¿Me puede cambiar cheques de viaje? (meh PWEH-deh kahm-BYAHR CHEH-kehs deh BYAH-heh?)
Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
¿Dónde me pueden cambiar cheques de viaje? (DOHN-deh meh PWEH-dehn kahm-BYAHR CHEH-kehs deh BYAH-heh?)
What is the exchange rate?
¿A cuánto está el cambio? (ah KWAHN-toh ehs-TAH ehl KAHM-byoh?)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
¿Dónde hay un cajero automático? (DOHN-deh eye kah-HEH-roh ow-toh-MAH-tee-koh?)
I need small change.
Necesito cambio pequeño. (neh-seh-SEE-toh KAHM-byoh peh-KEH-nyoh)
I need big bills.
Necesito billetes grandes. (neh-seh-SEE-toh bee-YEH-tehs GRAHN-dehs)
I need coins
Necesito monedas. (neh-seh-SEE-toh moh-NEH-dahs)


plato (PLAH-toh)
tazón/bowl (tah-SOHN/bowl)
cuchara (koo-CHAH-rah)
tenedor (teh-NEH-dohr)
drinking glass
vaso/copa (BAH-soh/KOH-pah)
cuchillo (koo-CHEE-yoh)
taza (TAH-sah)
platillo (plah-TEE-yoh)
servilleta (sehr-bee-YEH-tah)
A table for one person/two people, please.
Una mesa para una persona/dos personas, por favor. (OO-nah MEH-sah pah-rah OO-nah pehr-SOH-nah / dohs pehr-SOH-nahs pohr fah-BOHR)
Can I look at the menu, please?
¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor? (PWEH-doh behr ehl meh-NOO pohr fah-BOHR?)
Can I look in the kitchen?
¿Puedo entrar a la cocina? (PWEH-doh ehn-TRAHR ah lah koh-SEE-nah?)
Is there a house specialty?
¿Hay alguna especialidad de la casa? (ay ahl-GOO-nah ehs-peh-syah-lee-DAHD deh lah KAH-sah?)
Is there a local specialty?
¿Hay alguna especialidad regional/de la zona? (ay ahl-GOO-nah ehs-peh-syah-lee-DAHD reh-hyoh-NAHL/deh lah SOH-nah?)
I'm a vegetarian.
Soy vegetariano/-na. (soy beh-heh-tah-RYAH-noh/-nah)
I don't eat pork.
No como cerdo. (noh KOH-moh SEHR-doh)
I only eat kosher food.
Sólo como comida kosher. (SOH-loh KOH-moh koh-MEE-dah koh-SHEHR) (In a restaurant they will stare at you, since "kosher" is as Spanish as "empanada" is English.)
Can you make it "light", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
¿Pueden hacerlo tipo light/ligero?
à la carte
a la carta (ah lah KAHR-tah)
dinner or supper
bocado (boh-KAH-doh)
I want _____.
Quiero _____. (KYEH-roh)
I want a dish containing _____.
Quisiera un plato que lleve _____. (kee-SYEH-rah oon PLAH-toh keh YEH-beh)
pollo. (POH-yoh)
ternera (tehr-NEH-rah), vacuno (bah-KOO-noh), res (rehss)
pescado (pehs-KAH-doh)
jamón (hah-MOHN)
salchicha, vienesa (Chile)
queso (KEH-soh)
huevos (oo-WEH-bohs)
ensalada (ehn-sah-LAH-dah)
(fresh) vegetables
verduras (frescas) (behr-DOO-rahs (FREHS-kahs))
(fresh) fruit
fruta (fresca) (FROO-tah (FREHS-kah))
pan (pahn)
tostada (tohs-TAH-dah)
fideos (FEE-deh-ohs)
arroz (ahr-ROHS)
frijoles (free-HOH-lehs)
May I have a glass of _____?
¿Me puede poner/traer un vaso de _____? (meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR oon BAH-soh deh?)
May I have a cup of _____?
¿Me puede poner/traer una taza de _____? (meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR OO-nah TAH-sah deh?)
May I have a bottle of _____?
¿Me puede poner/traer una botella de _____? (meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR OO-nah boh-TEH-yah deh?)
café (kah-FEH)
tea (drink)
té (TEH)
jugo (HOO-goh)
agua (AH-gwah)
(bubbly) water
agua con gas (AH-gwah kohn gahs)
cerveza (sehr-VAY-sah)
red/white wine
vino tinto/blanco (BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh)
May I have some _____?
¿Me puede dar un poco de _____? (meh PWEH-deh dahr oon POH-koh deh?)
sal (sahl)
black pepper
pimienta (pee-MYEHN-tah)
mantequilla (mahn-teh-KEE-yah) , manteca (mahn-TEH-kah) (in Argentina)
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server')
I'm finished.
He acabado, terminé (heh ah-kah-BAH-doh, tehr-mee-NEH) (The first phrase can refer to the finishing of a completely unrelated physiological activity)
It was delicious.
Estaba delicioso/muy bueno/muy rico. (ehs-TAH-bah deh-lee-SYOH-soh/MOO-ee BWEH-noh/MOO-ee REE-koh)
Please clear the plates.
Puede llevarse los platos. (PWEH-deh yeh-BAHR-seh lohs PLAH-tohs)
The check, please.
La cuenta, por favor. (lah KWEHN-tah, pohr fah-BOHR)


barra (BAHR-rah)
taberna (tah-BEHR-nah)
club (kloob)
Could we dance here?
¿Podríamos bailar aquí? (poh-DREE-ah-mohs BAI-lahr ah-KEE?)
What time do you close?
¿A qué horas cierran?
Do you serve alcohol?
¿Sirven bebidas alcohólicas?
Is there table service?
¿Hay servicio a la mesa? (eye sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah MEH-sah?)
A beer/two beers, please.
Una cerveza/dos cervezas, por favor. (OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah/dohs sehr-BEH-sahs, pohr FAH-bohr)
A glass of red/white wine.
Un vaso de vino tinto/blanco. (oon BAH-soh deh BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh)
A pint (of beer)
Una jarra de cerveza (normally it will be half a liter, not really a pint); In Latin America un chopp might be anywhere from 300mL to one litre; in Spain the most common is una caña which is 200mL in a tube glass; you can also ask for un quinto (200mL bottle) or un tercio (330mL bottle)
A glass of draft beer
Un chopp (oon CHOHP) (Chile and Argentina) / Una cerveza de barril (OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah deh bahr-REEL) (Mexico); in Spain you can ask for Cerveza negra, not very common in spanish Bares, but easy to find in Pubs (Pub=small club where just drinks are served).
_____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer).
_____ con _____. In Spain, Cubata is Coke with whiskey
A bottle.
Una botella. (OO-nah boh-TEH-yah)
whisky (WEES-kee)
vodka (BOHD-kah)
ron (rohn)
agua (AH-gwah)
tonic water
agua tónica (AH-gwah TOH-nee-kah)
orange juice
jugo de naranja (HOO-goh deh NAH-rahn-hah)
Coke (soda)
Coca-Cola (gaseosa) (KOH-kah-KOH-lah (gah-SEH-oh-sah))
Do you have any bar snacks?
¿Tienen piqueos?
A toast!
¡Un Brindis! (oon BREEN-dees)
One more, please.
Otro/a ______, por favor. (OH-troh/ah pohr-FAH-bohr)
Another round, please.
Otra ronda, por favor. (OH-trah ROHN-dah, pohr fah-VOHR)
¡Salud! (sah-LOOD)
When is closing time?
¿Cuándo cierran? (KWAHN-doh SYEHR-rahn)


Do you have this in my size?
¿Tienes esto en mi talla? (TYEH-neh EHS-toh deh mee TAH-yah?)
How much is this?
¿Cuánto cuesta? (KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah?)
That's too expensive.
Es muy caro. (ehs deh-mah-MYAH-doh KAH-roh)
Would you take Visa/American dollars?
¿Aceptan Visa/dólares? (ah-SEHP-tahn BEE-sah/DOH-lah-rehs ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh?)
caro (KAH-roh)
barato (bah-RAH-toh)
I can't afford it.
Es muy caro para mí. (ehs MOO-ee KAH-roh PAH-rah mee)
I don't want it.
No lo quiero. (noh loh KYEH-roh)
You're cheating me.
Me estas engañando. (meh ehs-TAH ehn-gah-NYAHN-doh)
I'm not interested.
No me interesa. (noh meh een-teh-REH-sah)
OK, I'll take it.
De acuerdo, me lo llevaré. (deh ah-KWEHR-doh, meh loh yeh-bah-REH)
Can I have a bag?
¿Tienes una bolsa? (TYEH-neh OO-nah BOHL-sah)
Can you ship it to my country?
¿Puedes enviarlo a mi país? (PWEH-dah ehn-BYAHR-loh ah mee pah-EES?)
I need...
Necesito... (neh-seh-SEE-toh)
...pilas/baterías (PEE-lahs/bah-teh-REE-ahs)
...cold medicine.
...medicamento para el resfriado. (meh-dee-kah-MEHN-toh PAH-rah ehl rehs-FRYAH-doh)
...preservativos/condones. (preh-sehr-bah-TEE-bohs/ kohn-DOH-nehs)
...English-language books.
...libros en inglés. (LEE-brohs ehn een-GLEHS)
...English-language magazines.
...revistas en inglés. (reh-VEES-tahs ehn een-GLEHS) English-language newspaper.
...un periódico/diario en inglés. (oon peh-RYOH-dee-koh/DYAH-ryoh ehn een-GLEHS) English-Spanish dictionary.
...un diccionario inglés-español. (oon deek-syoh-NAH-ryoh een-GLEHS-ehs-pah-NYOHL)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
...analgésico (Aspirina, Ibuprofeno). (ah-nahl-HEH-see-koh (ahs-pee-REE-nah, ee-boo-proh-FEH-noh))
...a pen.
...una pluma/ un bolígrafo. (OO-nah PLOO-mah/ oon boh-LEE-grah-foh)
...postage stamps.
...sellos (SEH-yohs)(Spain)/estampillas (ehs-tahm-PEE-yahs)(Latin América).
...a postcard.
...una postal. (OO-nah pohs-TALH)
...a razor.
...una hoja/navaja de afeitar/rasuradora (machine) (OO-nah OH-hah/nah-BAH-hah deh ah-fay-TAHR/rah-soo-rah-DOH-rah)
...shampoo. (shahm-POO)
...stomach medicine.
.... medicamento para el dolor de estómago (meh-dee-kah-MEHN-toh PAH-rah ehl doh-LOHR deh ehs-TOH-mah-goh)
...jabón. (hah-BOHN)
...sunblock lotion.
...crema solar. (KREH-mah soh-LARH)
...tampones. (tahm-POH-nehs)
...a toothbrush.
... un cepillo de dientes. (oon seh-PEE-yoh deh DYEHN-tehs)
...pasta de dientes. (PAHS-tah deh DYEHN-tehs) umbrella.
...un paraguas/una sombrilla (oon pah-RAH-gwahs/ OO-nah sohm-BREE-yah)
...writing paper.
...papel para escribir. (pah-PEHL PAH-rah ehs-kree-BEER)


I want to rent a car.
Quiero alquilar un auto.
Can I get insurance?
¿Puedo contratar un seguro?
STOP (on a street sign)
STOP (stohp) (Spain), ALTO (AHL-toh) (México), PARE (PAH-reh) (Chile, Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Puerto Rico)
one way
un solo sentido
no parking
prohibido estacionar
speed limit
límite de velocidad (LEE-mee-teh deh beh-loh-see-DAHD) , velocidad máxima (beh-loh-see-DAHD MAHK-see-mah)
gas/petrol station
estación de servicio, grifo
gasolina (gah-soh-LEE-nah) , bencina (behn-SEE-nah) (Chile), nafta (NAHF-tah) (Argentina)


I haven't done anything wrong.
No he hecho nada malo. (NOH eh EH-choh NAH-dah MAH-loh)
Please, there has been a mistake.
Por favor, hubo un malentendido. (pohr fah-BOHR OO-boh oon mahl-ehn-tehn-DEE-doh)
It was a misunderstanding.
Fue un malentendido. (fweh oon mahl-ehn-tehn-DEE-doh)
Where are you taking me?
¿Adónde me lleva? (ah-DOHN-deh meh YEH-bah?)
Am I under arrest?
¿Estoy arrestado/da? (ehs-TOY ahr-rehs-TAH-doh/dah?)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
Soy ciudadano(a) estadounidense/australiano/inglés/canadiense. (soy syoo-dah-DAH-noh(ah) ehs-tah-doh-oo-nee-DEHN-see/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/ een-GLEHS/ kah-nah-DYEHN-seh)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
Quiero hablar con la embajada/el consulado estadounidense/australiano/inglés/canadiense. (KYEH-roh ah-BLAHR kohn lah ehm-bah-HAH-dah/ ehl kohn-soo-LAH-doh ehs-tah-doh-oo-nee-DEHN-see/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/ een-GLEHS/ kah-nah-DYEHN-seh)
I want to talk to a lawyer.
Quiero hablar con un abogado(a). (KYEH-roh ah-BLAHR kohn oon ah-boh-GAH-doh(ah))
Can I just pay a fine now?
¿Puedo pagar la multa ahora? (PWEH-doh pah-GAHR lah MOOL-tah ah-OH-rah?)
I confess.
Yo confieso (yoh kohn-FYEH-soh)


¡Socorro!, ¡Ayuda! (soh-KOHR-roh, ah-YOO-dah)
Look out!
¡Cuidado!, ¡Ojo! (kwee-DAH-doh, OH-hoh)
¡Fuego! (FWEH-goh)
Go away!
¡Márchese!, ¡Váyase! (MAHR-cheh-seh, BAH-yah-seh)
¡Ladrón! (lah-DROHN)
Stop thief!
¡Para ladrón! (PAH-rah lah-DROHN)
¡Policía! (poh-lee-SEE-ah)
Call the police!
¡Llame a la policía! (YAH-meh a lah poh-lee-SEE-ah)
Take cover!
¡Cúbranse! (KOO-brahn-say)
There's a shooting!
¡Hay disparos! (eye dees-PAH-rose)
Where is the police station?
¿Dónde está la comisaría? (DOHN-deh ehs-TAH lah koh-mee-sah-REE-ah?)
Can you help me please?
¿Puede usted ayudarme por favor? (PWEH-deh oos-TEHD ah-yoo-DAHR-meh pohr fah-BOHR?)
Could I use your telephone/mobile/cell phone?
¿Podría yo usar su teléfono/móbil/celular? (poh-DREE-ah yoh oo-SAHR soo teh-LEH-foh-noh/MOH-beel/seh-loo-LAHR?)
There's been an accident!
¡Hubo un accidente! (OO-boh oon ahk-see-DEHN-teh)
Call a...
Llame un ... (YAH-meh oon)!
...¡doctor/ra! (dohk-TOHR/dohk-TOH-rah) ambulance!
...¡una ambulancia! (OO-nah ahm-boo-LAHN-syah)
I need medical attention!
¡Necesito la asistencia médica! (neh-seh-SEE-toh lah ah-sees-TEHN-syah MEH-dee-kah)
I'm ill.
Estoy enfermo./Me siento mal. (ehs-TOY ehn-FEHR-moh/meh SYEHN-toh mahl)
I'm lost.
Estoy perdido. (ehs-TOY pehr-DEE-doh)
I've been raped!
¡He sido violada/do! (eh SEE-doh byoh-LAH-dah/doh)

w:Tieng Tay Ban Nha

Bài hướng dẫn sổ tay ngôn ngữ này là một bài viết tốt. Nó có thông tin hữu ích về việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ đó khi đi du lịch. Nếu bạn có thể cập nhật hoặc nâng cao hơn nữa chất lượng của bài viết, xin mời bạn!