Bước tới nội dung

Thành viên:JrandWP

Nội dung trang không được hỗ trợ ở ngôn ngữ khác.
Từ Wikivoyage
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My boxes
Thành viên này sử dụng SWViewer để lùi sửa phá hoại.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
vi-N Thành viên này xem tiếng Việt là ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ.
160,000+This user has made over 160,000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.

I am a normal user, I like translating, testing and writing pages as of 5 November 2024, although I can be doing another things as I'm busy in real life (as I am at school). Before September 2021, my main wiki is English Wikipedia, but in October I changed the personality and change the main wiki, and now I do the most and have the most influential in viwiki. I like sandboxing, please check my sandbox! See also What I write about what I write about and my encrypted code. I mostly use SWViewer to revert crosswiki vandalism, but I don't have the abilty to do these things. If I cause a problem (mostly I am doing in good faith), sometimes can be disruptive because there can be having too many edits.

I am having editcountitis problem, and my main focus can be on the editcount but I don't have a lot of edits.

As I don't check emails often, the best way to get responses is to talk to me in my talk page (in viwiki, enwiki and metawiki).

Some of my pages in meta and sandboxes: