- Abkhazia, Mamonovsky pereulok, 4 building 1, ☎ +7 495 650-11-45, +7 495 650-17-82, fax: +7 495 650-28-43, e-mail: info@emb-abkhazia.ru.
- Afganistan, Povarskaya street, 42, ☎ +7 495 690-0146, +7 495 690-3894 (consulate), fax: +7 495 690-0146, e-mail: safarat_moscow@yahoo.com.
- Albania, Mytnaya street, 3, ap. 8, ☎ +7 495 982-3852, fax: +7 495 982-3854, e-mail: alembassy@gtmail.ru.
- Algeria, Krapivensky Pereulok, 1А, ☎ +7 495 937-4600, +7 495 624-0714, fax: +7 495 937-4645, e-mail: algamb@ntl.ru.
- Angola, Ulofa Palme street, 6, ☎ +7 499 143-6324, fax: +7 495 956-1880, e-mail: angomosc@col.ru. 10:00-17:00.
- Argentina, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 72, ☎ +7 495 502-1020, fax: +7 495 502-1021, e-mail: efrus@mrecic.gov.ar.
- Armenia, Armyansky Pereulok, 2, ☎ +7 495 624-1269, +7 495 625-7305, +7 495 924-3243 (consulate), fax: +7 495 624-4535, e-mail: info@armenianembassy.ru. M Tu Th 10:30-12:30 and 14:30-17:00; F 10:30-12:30 and 14:00-16:00.
- Australia, Podkolokolny pereulok, 10A/2, ☎ +7 495 956-6075, +7 495 232-3272, +7 495 232-3291, fax: +7 495 956-6162, +7 495 956-6170, e-mail: austembmos@dfat.gov.au. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- Austria, Starokonyushenny pereulok, 1, ☎ +7 495 780-6066, fax: +7 495 937-4269, e-mail: moskau-ob@bmaa.gv.at. M-F 09:00-16:30.
- Azerbaijan, Leontievsky pereulok, 16, ☎ +7 495 629-4332, +7495 629-1649 (consulate), fax: +7 495 202-5072, +7 495 629-5546 (consulate), e-mail: embassy@azembassy.msk.ru. M-F 09:30-13:00.
- Bahrain, Bolshaya Ordynka, 18/1, ☎ +7 495 953-0022, +7 495 953-0033, +7 495 953-0044, +7 495 953-0066, fax: +7 495 953-7474, e-mail: moscowbah@yahoo.com.
- Bangladesh, Zemledelchesky pereulok, 6, ☎ +7 495 246-7804, +7 495 246-7332 (consulate), fax: +7 495 246-7804, +7 495 246-7332 (consulate), e-mail: bdoot.moscow@mail.ru. M-Th 09:00-17:00.
- Belarus, Maroseyka street, 17/6, ☎ +7 495 777-6644 103, +7 495 777-6644, +7 495 624-703, fax: +7 495 777-6633, e-mail: mail@embassybel.ru. M-F 10:00-16:30.
- Belgium, Malaya Molchanovka street, 7 (Arbatskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 780-0331, fax: +7 495 780-0342, +7 495 780-0341 (visa), +7 495 780-0332, +7 495 780-0331 (common), e-mail: Moscow@diplobel.fed.be. M-F 09:30-18:00.
- Benin, Uspensky pereulok, 7, ☎ +7 495 699-2360, +7 495 699-2923, +7 495 699-7985, fax: +7 495 694-0226, e-mail: amba_beninmos@yahoo.fr. M-F 09:30-16:30.
- Bolivia, Serpukhovsky Val street, 8, ap. 135-137, ☎ +7 495 954-0630, +7 495 958-0855, +7 495 952-5736, fax: +7 495 958-0755, e-mail: embolrus@online.ru.
- Bosnia and Herzogovina, Mosfilmovskaya street, 50 building 1 office 484, ☎ +7 495 147-6488, +7 495 143-2909 (consulate), fax: +7 495 147-6489, e-mail: embassybih@mail.ru. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- Brazil, Ulitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 54, ☎ +7 495 363 03 66, fax: +7 495 363-0367, e-mail: brasrus@brasemb.ru.
- Brunei, Berezhkovskaya naberezhnaya, 2, office 413 (Kievskaya metro station, Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel), ☎ +7 495 941-8215, +7 495 941-8216, fax: +7 495 941-8214.
- Bulgaria, Mosfilmovskaya street, 66, ☎ +7 499 143-9022 (consulate), +7 499 143-9023, fax: +7 495 232-3302, +7 499 143-9605 (consulate), +7 499 143-6214, e-mail: bulemrus@bolgaria.ru. M-F 09:00-16:00.
- Burundi, Kaluzhskaya square, 1, ap. 226, 227 (Oktyabrskaya metro station), ☎ +7 499 230-2564, fax: +7 499 230-2009, e-mail: bdiamb@yahoo.fr. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- Cambodia, Starokonyushenny pereulok, 16, ☎ +7 495 637-4736, fax: +7 495 956-6573, e-mail: cambemoscow@stream.ru. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- Cameroon, Povarskaya street, 40, ☎ +7 495 690-6549, +7 495 690-0063, fax: +7 495 690-6116, e-mail: ambacamos@yahoo.fr. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- Canada, Starokonyushenny pereulok, 23, ☎ +7 495 925-6000, +7 495 925-6054 (consulate), fax: +7 495 925-6025, +7 495 925-6090, +7 495 925-6092, e-mail: mosco@international.gc.ca. M-F 08:30-17:00.
- Cape Verde, Rublevskoe shosse, 26, building 1, office 182, ☎ +7 495 415-4149, fax: +7 495 415-4106, e-mail: consulado.rus@gmail.com. M-F 11:00-17:00.
- Central African Republic, 26 Bakinskikh Komissarov street, 9, ap. 124, 125 (Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 434-4520, fax: +7 495 727-4939.
- Chad, Akademika Pilyugina street, 14, building 3, ap. 895,896 (Novye Cheryomushki metro station), ☎ +7 495 936-1763, +7 495 936-1766, fax: +7 495 936-1101.
- Chile, Denezhny pereulok, 7, building 1, ☎ +7 499 241-0145, +7 499 241-0414, +7 499 241-1034, +7 499 241-1245, +7 499 241-3151, +7 499 241-1034 (consulate), fax: +7 499 241-6867, e-mail: echile@col.ru.
- China, Druzhby street, 6, ☎ +7 495 938-2006, +7 499 143-1543 (consulate), fax: +7 495 9561169.
- Colombia, Burdenko street, 20, ☎ +7 495 248-3073, +7 495 248-3042 (consulate), +7 495 248-34-17, fax: +7 495 248-3025, +7 495 248-3003 (consulate), e-mail: emrusia@colombia.ru.
- Croatia, Korobeynikov pereulok, 16/10, ☎ +7 495 637-7186, +7 495 637-3222, +7 495 637-3868, +7 495 637-3977, +7 495 637-4033 (consulate), fax: +7 495 637-4624, e-mail: admin@croemba.msk.ru. M-F 10:30-13:30.
- Cyprus, Povarskaya street, 9, ☎ +7 495 744-2944, +7 495 744-2934 (consulate), fax: +7 495 744-2945, e-mail: moscowembassy@mfa.gov.cy. M-F 10:00-15:00.
- Czech Republic, Yuliusa Fuchika street, 12/14, ☎ +7 495 276-0701, +7 495 276-0702 (consulate), fax: +7 495 250-1523, +7 495 251-0145, e-mail: moscow@embassy.mzv.cz. M-F 09:00-11:30. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Simferopolsky Boulevard, 7А, ap. 49, 50, ☎ +7 499 613-8348, +7 499 613-8514, e-mail: amba_rdc_moscow@yahoo.fr. M-F 09:00-16:00.
- Denmark, Prechistensky pereulok, 9, ☎ +7 495 642-6800, +7 495 642-6801 (visas), fax: +7 495 775-0191, +7 495 775-0197 (visas), e-mail: mowamb@um.dk. M-Th 09:15-17:00; F 09:15-16:15.
- Dominican Republic, Rublevskoe shosse, 26, building 1, office 211, ☎ +7 495 415-2596, +7 495 415-3601, fax: +7 495 415-3601, e-mail: embadomru@gmail.com. M-F 09:00-16:00.
- Ecuador, Gorokhovsky pereulok, 12 (Kurskaya metro station), ☎ +7 499 261-2739, +7 499 261-5527, +7 499 261-5530 (consulate), fax: +7 499 267-7079, e-mail: embajada@ecuaemb.ru. M-F 10:00-18:00.
- Egypt, Kropotkinsky Pereulok, 12, ☎ +7 499 246-3096, +7 499 246-0234, +7 499 246-3080, fax: +7 499 246-1064, e-mail: embassy.moscow@mfa.gov.eg. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- Equatorial Guinea, Pogorelsky pereulok, 7, building 1 (Polyanka metro station), ☎ +7 495 953-3563, +7 495 953-27-66, fax: +7 495 953-2084, e-mail: embajada1968@mail.ru.
- Eritrea, Koroviy Val street, 7/1, ap. 31,32, ☎ +7 499 238-3025, fax: +7 499 238-1868, e-mail: erembassy@yandex.ru.
- Estonia, Maly Kislovsky pereulok, 5 (Arbatskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 737-3640, fax: +7 495 737-3646, e-mail: Embassy.Moskva@mfa.ee. M-F 08:30-17:00.
- Ethiopia, Orlovo-Davydovsky pereulok, 6 (Prospekt Mira metro station), ☎ +7 495 680-1616, +7 495 680-1676, fax: +7 495 680-6608, e-mail: eth-emb@col.ru.
- Finland, Kropotkinsky pereulok, 15-17 (Park Kultury metro station), ☎ +7 495 787-4178 (10:00-12:00)FORMAT, +7 495 787-4177 (emergency cases), fax: +7 499 255-3380, e-mail: sanomat.mos@formin.fi. M-F 09:00-12:00. Visa issues – visa.mos@formin.fi (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- France, Bolshaya Yakimanka street, 45 (Oktyabrskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 937-1500, fax: +7 495 937-1430. M-F 09:00-13:00.
- Gabon, Denezhny pereulok, 16, ☎ +7 495 241-0080, +7 499 241-7910, fax: +7 495 241-15-85, +7 499 252-8694, e-mail: ambgab_ru@mail.ru.
- Gambia, Kadashevskaya naberezhnaya, 32/2, ☎ +7 495 258-3682, fax: +7 495 258-3682.
- Georgia, Maly Rzhevsky pereulok, 6, ☎ +7 495 690-4657, fax: +7 495 691-2136, e-mail: anton@hloptic.ru.
- Germany, Mosfilmovskaya street, 56, ☎ +7 495 937-9500, fax: +7 495 783-0875, e-mail: germanrk@aha.ru. M W Th 08:00-17:00; Tu 08:00-17:30; F 08:00-15:00.
- Ghana, Skatertny pereulok, 14, ☎ +7 495 690-1969, +7 495 690-2327, +7 495 690-2224, +7 495 690-2073 (consulate), fax: +7 495 690-2198, +7 495 690-2073 (consulate), e-mail: embghmos@astelit.ru.
- Greece, Leontievsky Pereulok No 4, ☎ +7 495 539 2940, +7 495 690-4657, fax: +7 495 539 2950, e-mail: gremb.mow@mfa.gr.
- Guatemala, Koroviy Val street, 7 office 98, ☎ +7 499 238-2214, +7 499 238-5914, fax: +7 495 238-1446, e-mail: embaguaterus@glasnet.ru. M-F 10:00-13:00.
- Guinea, Koroviy Val street, 7 office 101,102, ☎ +7 499 238-1085, fax: +7 499 238-9768, e-mail: ambaguineemoscou@yahoo.fr.
- Guinea-Bissau, Simferopolsky Boulevard, 7-А, entrance 4, ap. 180, ☎ +7 499 317-9582, fax: +7 499 317-9582.
- Hungary, Mosfilmovskaya street, 62, ☎ +7 495 796-93-77, fax: +7 495 796-9380, +7 495 796-9377 (consulate), e-mail: mission.mov@kum.hu.
- Iceland, Khlebny pereulok, 28, ☎ +7 495 956-7604, fax: +7 495 956-7612, e-mail: icemb.moscow@utn.stjr.is. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- India, Vorontsovo Polye street 6/8, ☎ +7 495 783 75 35, fax: +7 495 916 36 32, e-mail: indambru@com2com.ru.
- Indonesia, Novokuznetskaya Ulitsa, 12, ☎ +7 495 9519549, fax: +7 495 2306431, e-mail: kbrimos@rol.ru.
- [formerly dead link] Iran, Pokrovsky boulevard, 7, ☎ +7 495 917-7282 ext 131, +7 495 917-0039, +7 495 917-0198, +7 495 917-0199, fax: +7 495 917-3092, e-mail: iranembassy@iranembassy.ru. M-F 09:00-16:30.
- Iraq, Pogodinskaya street, 12 (Kievskaya or Sportivnaya metro station), ☎ +7 499 246-5506, +7 499 246-5507, +7 499 246-5508, +7 499 248-3813, fax: +7 499 246-2734, e-mail: mosemb@iraqmofamail.net.
- Ireland, Grokholsky pereulok, 5, ☎ +7 495 937-5911, +7 495 688-41-01, +7 495 937-5900 (visas), +7 495 737-3636, +7 495 737-5494, fax: +7 495 975-2066, +7 495 937-5902 (visas), +7 495 737-3637, e-mail: embassymoscow@dfa.ie. M F 09:00-16:30.
- Israel, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 56, ☎ +7 495 660-27-00, fax: +7 495 660-27-68. M-Th 09:00-11:00 and 16:00-17:00.
- Italy, Denezhny pereulok, 5, ☎ +7 495 796-9691, +7 499 241-1533, +7 499 241-1534, fax: +7 495 253-9289, e-mail: embitaly@ambmosca.ru. M-F 09:00-18:00.
- Jamaica, Koroviy Val street, 7/1 office 70, 71, ☎ +7 495 237-2320, fax: +7 495 232-2818.
- Japan, Grokholsky Pereulok 27, ☎ +7 495 229-2550, fax: +7 495 229-2555.
- Jordan, Mamonovsky pereulok, 3, ☎ +7 495 699-1242, +7 495 699-2845, +7 495 699-4344, +7 495 699-9564, +7 495 699-6717, fax: +7 495 699-4354, e-mail: emjordan@umail.ru.
- Kazakhstan, Chistoprudny Boulevard, 3A (Chistye Prudy, Sretenky Boulevard or Turgenevskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 627-1812, +7 495 627-1706 (consulate), +7 495 627-1816, fax: +7 495 608-2650, +7 495 608-0832 (consulate), e-mail: kazembassy@kazembassy.ru. M-F 09:30-16:30.
- Kenya, Lopukhinsky pereulok 5, buildings 1,5, ☎ +7 495 637-2186, +7 495 637-4257, +7 495 637-2535, fax: +7 495 637-5463, e-mail: moscow@mfa.go.ke. Tu Th 10:00-12:00.
- Kyrgyzstan, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 64 office 24 (Polyanka, Dobryninskaya, or Tretyakovskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 237-4882, +7 495 237-4601, +7 495 237-4571, +7 495 237-4391 (consulate), +7 495 237-3364, fax: +7 495 951-6062.
- Laos, Malaya Nikitskaya street, 18, ☎ +7 495 690-2560, +7 495 637-0158, fax: +7 495 697-4924, e-mail: post@laoembassy.ru. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- Latvia, Chaplygina street, 3, ☎ +7 495 232-9760, fax: +7 495 232-9750, e-mail: embassy.russia@mfa.gov.lv. M-F 09:00-18:00.
- Lebanon, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya street, 14, ☎ +7 495 694-1320, +7 495 694-2684 (consulate), fax: +7 495 694-3222, e-mail: leb.emb.moscow@mtu.net. M-F 10:00-14:00.
- Libya, Mosfilmovskaya street, 38, ☎ +7 499 143-0354, +7 499 143-7722, +7 499 143-7700, fax: +7 495 938-2162, +7 499 143-7644, e-mail: libyanbureau@mail.ru.
- Lithuania, Borisoglebsky pereulok, 10 (Arbatskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 785-8605, +7 495 785-8625 (consulate), fax: +7 495 785-8600, +7 495 785-8649 (consulate), e-mail: amb.ru@urm.lt. M-Th 09:00-18:00; F 09:00-17:00.
- Luxembourg, Khruschevsky pereulok, 3 (Kropotkinskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 786-6663, fax: +7 495 786-6669, e-mail: secret.amluxru@co.ru. M-F 10:00 - 12:00.
- Macedonia, Dmitrija Uljanova street, 16, building 2, entrance 8, floor 1, Ste 509 & 510, ☎ +7 499 124 3357, e-mail: moscow@mfa.gov.mk.
- Madagascar, Kursovoy pereulok, 5/1 (Kropotkinskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 695-2892, fax: +7 495 695-2854, e-mail: info@ambamadagascar.ru. M-F 10:00 - 15:45.
- Malaysia, Mosfilmovskaya St, 50, ☎ +7 495 147-1514, +7 495 147-1512, e-mail: malmoscow@kln.gov.my.
- Mali, Novokuznetskaya street, 11 (Tretyakovskaya or Novokuznetskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 951-6349, +7 495 951-2784, fax: +7 495 951-2784, e-mail: amaliru@mail.ru.
- Malta, Koroviy Val street, 7 office 219 (Oktyabrskaya or Dobryninskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 237-1939, +7 499 230-2524, +7 499 230-1981, fax: +7 495 237-2158, e-mail: maltaembassy.moscow@gov.mt.
- Mauritania, Bolshoy Savvinsky pereulok, 21, ☎ +7 499 245-1176, +7 499 245-1261, fax: +7 499 246-2519, e-mail: mauritanie@redline.ru. M-F 12:00 - 15:00.
- Mauritius, Nikoloyamskaya Street, 8, ☎ +7 495 915-7617, fax: +7 495 915-7665.
- Mexico, Bolshoy Levshinsky pereulok, 4 (Smolenskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 969-2879, +7 495 969-2878 (consulate), fax: +7 495 969-2877, e-mail: info@embamex.ru. M-Th 09:00-13:00; F 09:00-12:00.
- Moldova, Kuznetsky Most street, 18 (Kuznetsky Most metro station), ☎ +7 495 624-5353, +7 495 624-6342, fax: +7 495 624-9590, e-mail: info@moldembassy.ru. M-F 08:00-17:00.
- Mongolia, Borisoglebsky pereulok, 11, ☎ +7 495 691-4636, +7 495 690-6792, +7 495 244-7867 (consulate), +7 499 241-1548, fax: +7 495 691-4636, e-mail: mongolia@online.ru.
- Montenegro, Mytnaya street, 3, office 23-25 (Oktyabrskaya or Dobryninskaya metro station), ☎ +7 499 230-1865-76, fax: +7 499 230-1886, e-mail: ambasadacg@ya.ru. M W F 09:00-12:00.
- Morocco, Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, 51 (Barrikadnaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 690-2085, +7 495 691-1762, fax: +7 495 691-9493, +7 495 691-1642, e-mail: sifmamos@xrus.ru.
- Mozambique, Krutitsky Val street, 3 building 2 (Proletarskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 786-3005-06, fax: +7 495 786-3005-06, e-mail: embamocru@hotmail.com.
- Myanmar, Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, 41 (Barrikadnaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 291-56-14, fax: +7 495 956-31-86.
- Nepal, 2nd Neopalimovsky pereulok, 14/7, ☎ +7 495 244-0215, fax: +7 495 241-0000. M-F 10:00-12:00.
- Netherlands, Kalashny pereulok, 6 (Arbatskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 797-29-00, fax: +7 495 797-29-04, e-mail: mos@minbuza.nl. M-F 09:00-12:30.
- New Zealand, Povarskaya street, 44, ☎ +7 495 956-3579, +7 495 956-2642 (immigration service), fax: +7 495 956-35783, +7 495 232-0180 (immigration service), e-mail: nzembmos@umail.ru. M-F 09:30 - 17:30.
- Nicaragua, Mosfilmovskaya street, 50 building 1, ☎ +7 495 938-2701, fax: +7 495 938-2701, e-mail: embanic_moscu@mail.ru.
- Niger, Kursovoy pereulok, 7/31, ☎ +7 495 255-01-01.
- Nigeria, Malaya Nikitskaya street, 13, ☎ +7 495 690-3783, +7 495 690-3785, fax: +7 495 956-2825, e-mail: info@nigerianembassy.ru.
- North Korea, Mosfilmovskaya Street, 72, ☎ +7 499 143-6231, +7 499 143-6308, +7 499 143-6247 (consulate), fax: +7 499 143-6312.
- Norway, Povarskaya street, 7 (Arbatskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 933-1410, fax: +7 495 933-1414, e-mail: emb.moscow@mfa.no. M Tu W F 10:00-12:00.
- Oman, Staromonetny pereulok, 9, building 6-7, ☎ +7 495 230-1587, +7 495 230-1255, fax: +7 495 230-1587, e-mail: oman@glasnet.ru.
- Pakistan, Sadovaya Kudrinskaya street, 17, ☎ +7 499 254-9791, fax: +7 495 956-9097, e-mail: pakemb@dialup.ptt.ru. M-Th 10:00 - 13:00.
- Panama, Mosfilmovskaya street, 50 building 1, ☎ +7 495 956-0729.
- Paraguay, Koroviy Val street, 7/1, office 142, ☎ +7 499 230-1810, fax: +7 499 230-1810, e-mail: embajada@embapar.ru.
- Peru, Smolensky Boulevard, 22/14, office 15, ☎ +7 499 248-7738, +7 499 248-6794, +7 499 248-2302, +7 499 248-2766 (consulate), fax: +7 499 248-0072, e-mail: empanrus@aha.ru. M-F 10:00-17:00.
- Philippines, Karmanitsky pereulok 6/8, ☎ +7 499 241-0563, +7 906 738 2538, fax: +7 499 241-2630, e-mail: moscowpe@stream.ru.
- Poland, Klimashkina street, 4, ☎ +7 495 231-1500, +7 495 231-1573 (visa issues), +7 495 231-1552, +7 495 231-1554, fax: +7 495 231-1535, +7 495 254-2286, e-mail: embassy@polandemb.ru. M-F 09:30-13:00.
- Portugal, Botanitchesky Per, 1, ☎ +7 495 981-3410, +7 495 981-3414, fax: +7 495 981-3416, +7 495 981-3415 (consulate), e-mail: embptrus@moscovo.dgaccp.pt. M-F 09:30-13:00. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- Qatar, Koroviy Val street, 7, offices 196-198, ☎ +7 495 980-6916, fax: +7 495 935-7670, +7 495 980-6917.
- Republic of the Congo, Koroviy Val street, 7/1, ☎ +7 495 236-3368, fax: +7 495 236-4116, e-mail: ambacoru@yahoo.gv.
- Romania, Mosfilmovskaya street, 64 (Kievskaya metro station), ☎ +7 499 143-0424, +7 499 143-0427, +7 499 143-0430, +7 499 143-0350 (consulate), fax: +7 499 143-1310, e-mail: moscova@mae.ro. M W F 11:00-13:00. (cập nhật vào tháng 12 2021)
- Saudi Arabia, 3-rd Neopalimovsky pereulok, 3, ☎ +7 499 245-2310, fax: +7 499 246-9471, +7 499 255-3463, e-mail: saudiemb@msk.org.ru. M-F 09:00-15:00.
- Senegal, Koroviy Val street, 7/1, offices 193, 194, 195, ☎ +7 499 230-2102, +7 499 230-2275, fax: +7 499 230-2063. M-F 09:30-17:30.
- Serbia, Mosfilmovskaya street, 46, ☎ +7 499 147-4106, +7 499 147-9008, +7 499 147-4221, +7 499 147-4105, fax: +7 499 147-4104, +7 495 937-9615, e-mail: ambasada@co.ru. M-F 09:00-13:00.
- Sierra Leone, Rublevskoye shosse, 26, building. 2, ap. 58, 59, ☎ +7 495 415-4166, +7 495 415-4124, fax: +7 495 415-2985, +7 495 415-4124, e-mail: info@slembassy.ru.
- Singapore, pereulok Kamennaya Sloboda, 5, ☎ +7 499 241-3702, +7 499 241-3913-14-02, +7 499 241-6428, fax: +7 499 241-7507, e-mail: singemb_mow@sgmfa.gov.sg. M-F 09:00-17:30.
- Slovakia, Yuliusa Fuchika street, 17/19 (Mayakovskaya or Belorusskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 956-49-20, +7 495 250-1070, +7 495 250-1071, +7 495 956-4923 (consulate), fax: +7 495 250-1521, +7 499 973-2081, e-mail: embassy@moskva.mfa.sk. M W F 09:00-12:00.
- Slovenia, Malaya Dmitrovka street, 14 building 1 (Pushkinskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 694-1568, +7 495 737-3398, fax: +7 495 694-1568, e-mail: vmo@gov.si. M W F 10:00-12:00.
- Somalia, Simferopolsky Boulevard, 7А, ap. 145, ☎ +7 499 317-1572, +7 499 317-0622, fax: +7 499 317-0622, e-mail: somembassy@nabad.org.
- South Africa, Granatny pereulok, 1, building 9 (Tverskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 926-1177, fax: +7 495 926-11-78, e-mail: filippovai@dirco.gov.za.
- South Korea, Plyuschikha street, 56 (Kievskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 783-2727, +7 495 783-2717 (consulate), fax: +7 495 783-2727, +7 495 783-2797, e-mail: info@koreaemb.ru.
- Spain, Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, 50/8, ☎ +7 495 690 29 93, fax: +7 495 691-9171, e-mail: embespru@correo.maec.es. M-F 08:00-15:00.
- Sri Lanka, Schepkina street, 24, building 1 (Prospekt Mira metro station), ☎ +7 495 688-1657-20, +7 495 688-1463, fax: +7 495 688-9872, +7 495 688-1757, e-mail: moscow@srilankemb.com. M-F 09:00-16:45.
- Sudan, Uspensky pereulok, 4A, ☎ +7 495 699-5461, fax: +7 495 699-3342. M-F 09:00-17:30.
- Sweden, Mosfilmovskaya street, 60 (Kievskaya or Universitet metro station, trolleybuses 17 or 34), ☎ +7 495 937-9200, +7 495 937-9201 (visa issues), fax: +7 495 937-9202, +7 495 937-9203 (visas), +7 495 937-9201, e-mail: moscow.sweinfo@foreign.ministry.se. M-F 09:00-12:00. Other emails: ambassaden.moskva@foreign.ministry.se, visa.moscow@foreign.ministry.se (visas) (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- Switzerland, pereulok Ogorodnoy Slobody, 2/5 (Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya, or Sretensky Boulevard metro station), ☎ +7 495 258-3830, +7 495 925-5322, +7 495 725-7750, fax: +7 495 621-2183, e-mail: mos.vertretung@eda.admin.ch. M-F 09:00-11:45.
- Syria, Mansurovsky pereulok, 4 (Park Kultury metro station), ☎ +7 495 695-1048, +7 499 766-9528, fax: +7 495 956-3191. M-F 09:30-15:00.
- Taiwan (Representative Office in Moscow for the Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission), Tverskaya street, 24/2, Korpus 1, Gate 4, 5F, ☎ +7 495 956-37-86.
- Tajikistan, Granatny pereulok, 13 (Barrikadnaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 690-6174, +7 495 690-4186, +7 495 690-3846, +7 495 690-4657, fax: +7 495 691-8998, e-mail: tajembassymoscow@mail.ru.
- Tanzania, Pyatnitskaya street, 33 (Novokuznetskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 953-0940, +7 495 953-8221, fax: +7 495 953-0785, e-mail: info@tanzania.ru. M-F 09:00-16:00. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- Thailand, Bolshaya Spasskaya street, 9 (Sukharevskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 608-0856, +7 495 608-0817, fax: +7 495 690-5736, e-mail: thaiemb@nnt.ru. M-F 09:00-13:00. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2023)
- Togo, Gruzinsky pereulok, 3, ap. 227-228, ☎ +7 495 254-2012, fax: +7 495 254-1965.
- Tunisia, Malaya Nikitskaya street, 28/1, ☎ +7 495 691-2858, +7 495 691-2869, +7 495 691-6223, fax: +7 495 691-7588, e-mail: atmos@post.ru.
- Turkey, 7th Rostovsky pereulok, 12 (Kievskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 956-5595, +7 499 246-1252 (consulate), fax: +7 495 956-5597, e-mail: turemb@co.ru.
- Turkmenistan, Filippovsky pereulok, 22 (Arbatskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 691-6636, +7 495 690-32-58 (consulate), +7 495 695-37-16, fax: +7 495 691-0935, +7 495 691-6591 (consulate).
- Uganda, Koroviy Val street, 7/1, office 3, ☎ +7 499 230-2276, +7 499 238-0068, fax: +7 499 230-2131, e-mail: info@uganda.ru.
- United Arab Emirates, Ulofa Palme street, 4, ☎ +7 499 147-6286, +7 495 234-4060, +7 499 147-0066 (consulate), fax: +7 495 234-4070, e-mail: uae@col.ru. Summer: M-F 09:00-12:00.
- United Kingdom (also represents interests of the Commonwealth countries), Smolenskaya Naberezhnaya 10, ☎ +7 495 956 7200, fax: +7 495 956 7201. Summer: M-F 09:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00; winter: M-F 08:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00.
- United States, Novinsky Boulevard, 21 (Barrikadnaya or Smolenskaya metro station), ☎ +7 495 728 50 00, e-mail: consulMo@state.gov.
- Uruguay, Mytnaya street, 3 (Oktyabrskaya or Dobryninskaya metro station), ☎ +7 499 230-7765, +7 499 230-7635 (consulate), fax: +7 499 230-2949, e-mail: ururus@uruguay.org.ru. M-F 11:00-15:00.
- Uzbekistan, Pogorelskiy pereulok, 12, ☎ +7 499 230-7552, +7 499 230-00-76, +7 499 230-00-78, +7 499 230-00-32 (consulate), +7 499 230-00-54, fax: +7 499 238-8918.
- Venezuela, Bolshoy Karetny Pereulok, 13/15, ☎ +7 495 699-4042, +7 495 699-9561, +7 495 956-9100, +7 495 956-6108, fax: +7 495 956-6108, e-mail: info@embaven.ru. M-F 10:00-17:00.
- Vietnam, Đường Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 13 (Ga tàu điện ngầm Park Kultury or Frunzenskaya, lối vào từ đường Rossolimo), ☎ +7 495 245-1092, +7 495 245-0925, +7 495 246-1383 (consulate), fax: +7 499 246-3121, e-mail: dsqvn@com2com.ru. M W F 09:30-11:30.
- Yemen, 2nd Neopalimovsky pereulok, 6, ☎ +7 499 246-0648, +7 499 246-4427, fax: +7 499 246-1798. M-F 09:00-15:00.
- Zambia, Prospekt Mira, 52A, ☎ +7 495 688-5001, +7 495 688-5083, +7 495 688-5092, +7 495 681-0752, fax: +7 495 975-2056. M-F 09:30-17:00.
- Zimbabwe, Serpov pereulok, 6, ☎ +7 499 248-3150, +7 499 248-4367, +7 499 248-4364, fax: +7 499 248-1575, e-mail: zimbabwe@rinet.ru. M-F 09:30-16:00.